Health Update
Well, things seem to be turning around for me. I am still seeing that GI dr that my sister works for. The meds he put me on seem to be helping greatly!!! I just hope that eventually I will be able to eat salads and popcorn again. I have been going to a new endocrinologist for 1 month now. I was diagnosed over 10 years ago with hypothyroidism. Last year I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's. During all of that time, I have NEVER been even close to normal range. After being put on Armour for only one month, MY LABS ARE NORMAL!!! Just seeing that paper today I was so happy. It was great. I had almost given up hope of ever having a normal life again. I miss the days when my brain would think rapidly. I miss the days when I was thin. I miss the days when I had tons of energy. I thought that it was out of reach. I was finally given hope again. Dr Abelove said that it will take my body some time to get normal again, but I should have no problem. Even though I was within normal,...