
Showing posts with the label Chris Comish

45 Free Reiki Attunements

Book Description   This book contains 24 free attunements to Usui Reiki, New Usui Reiki, Full Spectrum Healing, Lavender Flame, Silver Violet Flame, Karuna Ki, Kundalini Reiki, Imara Reiki, Green Tara Seichim, Golden Ray, Gold Reiki, Shamballa Multi-Dimensional Healing, and an Axiatonal Lines Connection. This book also contains 21 additional Ray attunements. Book Review   I have really mixed feelings about this book.  First off, I love the fact that he is including so many various Reiki attunements to a lot of different modalities. However, he does not instruct how to use the modalities.  Different modalities have different signs and symbols.  Some have prayers or special rites to perform prior to using them on yourself or a person you are healing.  Basically, you get a brief run down of what each modality is in essence.  And I mean really brief.  Then you get a page or two for each modality saying to read aloud a sentence saying you...