A Bean To Die For by Tara Lush
A Bean to Die For by Tara Lush narrated by Kae Marie Denino This may be the fourth book in the series, but it is the first one that I have read. I was hooked from the beginning. I do have to admit, I am not into coffee. Yea, I know that isn't something to admit to. I will drink coladas occasionally. I just don't like regular coffee. Now that we have that out of the way, the main protagonist is Lana who owns the Perkatory (a coffee shop in Devil's Beach, Florida). She is to the point in her career where she is thinking about growing her own coffee beans. Her dad gets her set up with a plot in the community garden. Darla, the woman who runs (or should I say rules) the community garden, has a long list of rules that must be followed. It is very easy to get thrown out. In fact, Lana is taking over the plot of someone who was recently thrown out. While she is there clearing out his plot, she finds his dead bo...