
Showing posts with the label Edgar Allan Poe

E is for Edgar

Image via Wikipedia Edgar Allan Poe has always been my favorite author.  I absolutely love everything he has written. I remember one year, my friend Beth and I went to Barnes & Nobles because they were having a reading of his works to celebrate his death.  Not only did they read some of his works, but they also told about his life.  And since the anniversary of his death is the day before my birthday, we made it an extra special outing. At the end of the reading, they had a leather bound gild edged book of his works that they were giving away.  Everyone had to write their name on a slip of paper and put it in a box.  Then they randomly pulled a name out.  I was ecstatic when they called out my name.  That to me made it the most special birthday ever. I still have that book and it will always hold a place in my heart. It has everything he ever wrote.  All of his poems, short stories, novels, reviews, and newspaper articles. And...