
Showing posts with the label meme

Secret Ingredient Tuesday #2 Rice

This weeks secret ingredient is Rice.   The only ones that I have used are from .  My family had never been big on cooking rice when I was growing up, so I don't have any that were passed down like I had from last weeks recipes.  Each recipe from was submitted to that site.  So I even included who submitted them to that site to give those people credit.   Risotto alla Milanese submitted by Manuela   INGREDIENTS 1 3/4 cups uncooked Arborio rice 1/2 cup unsalted butter, divided 1 1/2 quarts beef stock 3 tablespoons beef marrow 1 onion, thinly sliced 1 teaspoon saffron powder 3/4 cup dry white wine salt to taste 1 1/2 cups grated Parmesan cheese DIRECTIONS Melt half of the butter in a medium saucepan over low heat. Simmer the onion and beef marrow in the butter for about 10 minutes. When the onion is soft, remove the onion and marrow from the pan using a slotted spoon,...

Friday's Feast #4

Appetizer What is your favorite carnival/amusement park ride? I have never been one for amusement parks or carnivals because I don't like being in crowds. However, the few times I did go, I would always gravitate towards the roller coasters. The bigger and scarier the better. Soup How do you react in uncomfortable social situations? I tend to become very quiet . I am a very shy and nervous person. Salad On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how much do you enjoy discussing deep, philosophical topics? I would have to say an 8. That is one of the things I miss about the UU Fellowship that I used to go to. It was lay led so each week one of us would get up there and give a talk on a different philosophical/spiritual topic. Then afterwards there was always a huge discussion on the topic. It was nice since it was a very small setting. It took me a few months before I could really speak out there. After awhile, I was even one of the people get...

Thursday Thirteen #7 - Favorite Computer Games

  Thirteen Computer Games That Wakela Likes 1. EverQuest 2 -  I have several characters in this game.  They just added a bunch of new content to the game, so I am running around checking everything out. 2.  City of Heroes - It is so cool to create a character that looks like a super hero.  I read tons of comic books as a kid.  3.  Halo - I love all versions of this.  4.  Prince of Persia - The graphics in this game are well done.  The game play is solid.  I love the entire feel of the game. 5.  Chocolatier 1 & 2 - Its a neat little game where you have to go around buying and selling chocolate to build your chocolate empire.  6.  Thief:  Deadly Shadows - The storyline in this is inc...

Secret Ingredient Tuesday #1

Secret Ingredient Tuesday Today's secret ingredient is sugar . Toffee Bars 2 sticks butter 1 cup brown sugar 2 cups flour 1 small bag chocolate chips Mix it all together, then pat it into a 9X13 pan. Bake for 20 minutes at 350. Slice when hot. No Back Fudge Cookies 1/2 cup margarine 1/2 cup cocoa 1/2 cup milk 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 cups sugar Combine all ingredients and boil for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and add 1 cup chopped nuts and 2 cups quick oats. Drop from teaspoon onto waxed paper. Makes 4 1/2 to 5 dozen cookies. They will harden when cool. German Sweet Chocolate Cream Pie 4 ounces German sweet chocolate 1/3 cup milk 2 tablespoons sugar 3 ounce cream cheese (softened) 3 1/2 cups cool whip (thawed) 8 inch graham cracker crumb crust Heat chocolate and 2 tablesspoons of the milk in saucepan over low heat, stirring until chocolate is melted. Beat sugar into cream cheese; add remaining milk and chocolate mixtuure and beat until smooth. Fold in whipped cream topping, blen...

Blog Hunt

I am taking part in a blog hunt over at swap-bot . They gave me a list of topics and I am to find blogs that deal with those topics. 1. Health Issues Spacy Tracie - Living With Diabetes 2. Children Bohemian Single Mom 3. Spiritual Issues A Spiritual Journey Through Life 4. Food Well, the obvious would be the food meme blog that I just started. Secret Ingredient Tuesday And to be fair, I will include a blog by someone else Bribe Me With a Muffin 5. Free Stuff Freebies Giveaway blog 6. Partner 1 Tami Knits 7. Partner 2 Keeping Myself in Stitches 8. Swap Host Simone's Butterfly

5 Post Meme

I was tagged by Simone's Butterfly : 1. Post 5 links to 5 of your previously written posts. The posts have to relate to the 5 key words given below (family, friend, yourself, your love, anything you like). 2. Tag 5 other friends to do this meme. Try to tag at least 2 new acquaintances (if not, your current blog buddies will do) so that you get to know them each a little bit better. 3. Don’t forget to read the archived post and leave comments. I this is a pretty cool meme. Here we go: 1. Family - This one was difficult since I don't post about my family too often. Soulful Sunday 2. Friend This one was easy since I mention her when I talk about video gaming. However, this post was all about her. So that is why I chose it. Krystae is Normal? 3. Yourself Wouldn't that be the entire blog? LOL! Doctor's Update A Shift in the Waist Line 4. Your Love Well, I haven't been in a relationship for a very long time. I did write up a little about a past relationship for So...

Just a Thought

Ok I am not sure if there is already a meme out there like this or not. I was thinking about starting a meme up. It will sort of be like Iron Chef of America. But without the competition. Each week, I would post the secret ingredient. Everyone would then have to post 5 recipes using that secret ingredient. I thought it might be neat to see how ingredients are used in other countries and get some yummy recipe ideas. Anyone interested?

Friday's Feast #3

Our normal chef host is enjoying the day off after Thanksgiving. So Gattina was nice enough to post a new menu for us this week. Appetizer Imagine that you are deaf, dumb and insensitive to touch.What other image of happiness could you have? I would have to say wonderful smelling flowers and yummy chocolate! Soup Do you collect anything? I collect tarot decks. I stopped counting when I reached 100 decks. That is a rather expensive collection since they are at least $20 each. There is one deck that I would love to get my hands on, but it is hard to find and very very expensive. It's the Salvador Dali deck . Last time I priced it, it was $100. Salad When do you start your Christmas? We tend to start it the morning of. I know alot of people who celebrate Christmas Eve. However, we have always had a huge gathering in the morning. We would open presents and then mom would make a huge breakfast. Main Course What would you do if you were in a corner and a snake was staring ...

Thursday Thirteen #6 - Thanksgiving

Thirteen Things about Wakela's Thanksgiving 1. First and foremost, I miss my mom alot today. This was the first Thanksgiving that I have ever spent without her. 2. I spent the day with one of my sisters and her husband. 3. We made French Toast for breakfast at 11am. Ok maybe that is brunch. But I love French Toast, especially with syrup and confectioners powder on it. 4. We watched the parade while eating our French Toast. I normally watch one of the other parades on, but my brother-in-law loves the Macy's parade. To me, its mainly balloons with very little floats. 5. A neighbor dropped off a freshly baked pumpkin pie. It smelled yummy. I am not a big pumpkin pie eater though. I really have to be in the mood. And even then, I usually only eat a small piece. 6. We put the turkey on to start cooking at 2:30pm. It was a small turkey breast, so it only needed 3 hours to cook. 7. I made corn casserole. One of my coworkers had given me the recipe for it. Oh my gosh! It w...

Friday's Feast #2

I wasn't feeling really good last week and missed it. But I managed to be back for this week. Appetizer What was your first “real” job? I worked at the local hospital at the age of 16. I used to deliver the patients to the different areas of the hospital. It was strenuous work, but I loved it. Soup Where would you go if you wanted to spark your creativity? I either go sit in front of the computer or sit in my room. It depends on my mood I guess. Salad Complete this sentence: I am embarrassed when… people are looking at me or I have to speak in front of a group. I love talking and I love writing, but I don't like people looking at me. I guess that is why the internet is so nice. Main Course What values did your parents instill in you? To be truthful and to work hard for what you get Dessert Name 3 fads from your teenage years. Oh man! I was a teenager in the 80s. We had some scary fads! Do I have to limit myself to just 3? 1. Parachute pants. I remember one incid...

Thursday Thirteen #5 - Hypothyroidism Facts

Thirteen Things about Hypothyroidism Since this is one of the things I suffer from, I figured that I would put some facts about it. First off, it helps me because I learn more about it. Secondly, its good information for others to know 1. The thyroid is a small butterfly shaped gland located in the lower part of the neck. 2. Hypothyroidism affects women more often than men at about a 7:1 ratio. 3. About 13 million Americans have this condition and at least another 10 million more are undiagnosed. 4. Those who are hypothyroid are at a greater risk for cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, chronic pain disorders and autoimmune dysfunctions. 5. The thyroid gland, which produces the thyroid hormones, is said to be "underactive," because it produces too little thyroid hormone needed for the body to function normally. 6. Inadequate stimulation of cells and organs in the body due to low levels of thyroid hormone causes the symptoms associated with hypothyroidism, which is gener...

Soap Opera Sunday #1

So this is my first Soap Opera Sunday. Each week, they are hosted by someone different. This week it is hosted by Jenn in Holland . The following is a true story, but names have been changed. Let's travel back a few years. The year was 1993. The place was somewhere in the south US. This was a time for risk taking for me. I had moved out of the house for the first time to a town where I absolutely knew no one. It was time for me to find out who I truly was. You have to understand that I didn't exactly have it easy growing up, but those are tales for other Sundays. I found a job working for a small company doing customer service phone calls. Most of the people that worked there were in the early 20s just like me. That is where I met Chad, Robert and Jason. I ended up dating Robert while Jason was dating Sandy. I guess I really clung onto Robert since I was so scared living on my own. Jason, Chad and I all became really good friends. So when Robert decided to move ...

Weekend Writing Workout #3

Ok. So I had fully planned on going and doing last week's workout, but I just couldn't get motivated. I have just been feeling really crappy lately. I went to get some labwork done on Friday. We will see what the doctor says this coming Thursday. Anyway, on to the workout. This week The Accidental Novelist challenges us to write A Postcard Story. There was only one person left on her Christmas list. She wasn’t even sure why she was going to bother buying anything for him. Her boyfriend had turned into her own personal Grinch. However, she didn’t want anyone to be able to say that she just gave up on the relationship. She wasn’t going down without a fight. She had put three long years into the relationship. She felt that she had to keep going. She just had to keep trying. She could not believe that she would have wasted those three years. It wasn’t possible. Amy had stopped by earlier today and gave her a book to read. It just sounded completely silly...

Thursday Thirteen #4 - Random Facts about me

Thirteen RandomThings about Wakela 1. I took Tai Kwan Do when I was in elementary school. I miss doing this. The teacher was really great. However, she was in a car accident and had to stop teaching. My dad tried for ages to find another teacher that I liked, but he wasn't able to. Ms. Lee was the best. I wish my scanner was up so I could scan in a picture of her. :-( 2. I have been dying my hair since I was 16 because of prematurely grey hair. Its a curse in my family to get grey hair early. I have dyed it black, brown, red, and purple. Yes, I went purple when I was in college. I have always thought of going blonde, but I just don't think it will look good on me. 3. I worked on a tarot phone line when I was in college. I have been reading tarot cards since I was 14. I learned really fast that these lines are hoaxes. There were only 3 or 4 of us who actually knew how to read. Everyone else had scripts that they would pick from. 4. I am Pagan. I have been si...

Weekend Writing Workout #2

This is the second weekend the I am going to do one of the great writing workouts over at The Accidental Novelist . I don't have a story that I am working on at the moment. So I will just continue using the character that I created from my last exercise. Who knows, this character may round out enough to help create a story. Exercise #1 Mother duck waddling by 5 little ducklings struggling to keep up Intent on reaching the lake squawking and quacking Merrily on their way Reaching the liquid brilliance of life Swimming merrily on their way The day strolls lazily along Sun gleaming on the refreshing water Not a care in the world Relaxed and enjoying the moment White clouds dance lazily in the sky Reflections of the world in the lake A small rain shower Baby ducklings playing in the water Splish, splashing around Exercise #2 When Sarah thinks about her apron, it always reminds her of her mother. In her eyes, her mom was a domestic goddess. Their house was always lovingly well kept...

Friday's Feast

Appetizer Name a great website you would recommend to others. Since right now, I am focusing mainly on losing weight, I would have to recommend SparkPeople. This site lets you track your weight, measurements, food eaten, exercises done, and much more. Plus they have wonderful groups that provide that extra little bit of morale support. There are some great competitions going on as well. Get a Free Online Diet Soup On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 as highest), how often do you dream at night? I would have to say at least a 7. I tend to have tons of really crazy dreams. When I wake up in the morning, those dreams just make me really confused. Salad Did you have a pet as a child? If so, what kind and what was its name? We had several pets in our house when I was growing up. When I was really young we had a dog named Little Man and a cat named Sneakers. My sister moved out and took Little Man with her. When Little Man impregnated another dog, we got one of the liter. We named that...

Thursday Thirteen #3 - Books in TBR pile

Thirteen Books in Wakela's To Be Read Pile. I decided that it might be more interesting if I post a picture of the cover. I grabbed the pictures off of Amazon since the battery for my digi needs to be recharged. 1. This is a book I had been meaning to read for years. A few years ago, my mom had really started to get into angels. She had angels in every room of the house. She was buying books about angels. Everything and everywhere were angels. She read and reread this book many times. She was constantly telling me all about this book. She said that this was the best one yet. She even went as far as to buy copies for me and my sisters. I never read it. One thing I remember about this book is that she was always telling me about 444. Supposedly, when you see 444 that is a message from an angel. Since my mom passed away in December, I have been seeing 444 alot. I keep meaning to read this, I just can't bring myself to do it yet. 2. This is one that I had picked up ...

Weekend Writing Workout

Found this little gem over at a great blog called The Accidental Novelist . I thought I would give it a try. The Precious Object Exercise 1) Decide which character you are going to develop / work on for this exercise. 2) Pick a random object, let's say a drum. 3) Imagine that this object is the MOST precious object in the world to your character. Set your timer for 5-7 minutes. Using the start line below, write (without stopping, without editing) until your timer goes off: The most precious object in my character's life is her... _________________________________________________________________ The most precious object in Sarah's life is her statue of Bast. All of her life, she had been drawn to cats. As a child, kittens would follow her home from school. She had posters of cats hanging from every available space on the wall as a teenager. She couldn't get cats out of her head. She also had these recurring dreams of being in ancient Egypt as a priestess of cats. ...

Thursday Thirteen #2 - Favorite Movies

Thirteen Favorite Movies 1. Donnie Darko - Each time I watch this movie, I find things that I never noticed before. It will really stretch your mind. What is reality? 2. Dirty Dancing - Patrick Swayze... need I say more? At any rate, this movie has a great sound track and a great story. Nobody puts baby in a corner! 3. Bringing Up Baby - Yes, I know its a classic and way before my time, but I just love this movie. Kathryn Hepburn and Cary Grant team up in this wonderful comedy. 4. Amelie - If you don't mind watching movies with subtitles, then I highly suggest this one. Amelie goes on a mission of trying to do random acts of kindness for others. But its the way she goes about it, that makes it hilarious. 5. Underworld - Very few movies have the main hero as a strong female. This is one of those. If you like werewolves and vampires, then this is a must see. 6. First Wives Club - Great movie. I love the scene where Goldie Hawn's character got silicon injected int...

Books, Lies, and costumes

Holly fought hard to keep herself from calling Tom. She knew that he was bad news from the day that she met him. However, she couldn't stop thinking about his smile. There was something kind in the way he smiled. He couldn't be completely bad. Or could he? Opening the door to her office, she noticed that it was ransacked. Who could do such a thing? Everyone knew that she was such a neat freak. Maybe they were trying to play a cruel joke on her. Sasha walked in behind her and gasped. "What happened here?" "As if you didn't know already!" screamed Holly. "Everyone knows you are the biggest practical joker around." "I promise that I had nothing to do with this. Maybe we should call the police. Do you know if anything is missing?" Panic suddenly struck the very core of Holly's being. If Sasha was suggesting that they call the police, then this isn't a joke. This is for real. Someone rummaged through her office. Wer...