Thursday Thirteen #2 - Favorite Movies

Thirteen Favorite Movies

1. Donnie Darko - Each time I watch this movie, I find things that I never noticed before. It will really stretch your mind. What is reality?
2. Dirty Dancing - Patrick Swayze... need I say more? At any rate, this movie has a great sound track and a great story. Nobody puts baby in a corner!
3. Bringing Up Baby - Yes, I know its a classic and way before my time, but I just love this movie. Kathryn Hepburn and Cary Grant team up in this wonderful comedy.
4. Amelie - If you don't mind watching movies with subtitles, then I highly suggest this one. Amelie goes on a mission of trying to do random acts of kindness for others. But its the way she goes about it, that makes it hilarious.
5. Underworld - Very few movies have the main hero as a strong female. This is one of those. If you like werewolves and vampires, then this is a must see.
6. First Wives Club - Great movie. I love the scene where Goldie Hawn's character got silicon injected into her lips. Could they get any bigger?
7. Sound of Music - Another classic that I love to watch. I think I know every song in the movie.
8. Mary Poppins - Julie Andrews again. She is a good actress and an awesome singer.
9. The Breakfast Club - A definitive film of my teenage years. I remember everyone trying to figure out which one of the characters that each of us was.
10. The Life of Brian
- Monty Python's skits always crack me up. Warning, this movie may offend those who are extremely religious.
11. Undercover Brother - Great spoof on spy movies from the 70s.
12. Harry Potter - This is for all the movies in the series. I am a Harry Potter addict. I have read the books and watched all the movies. I have played one of the computer games. I need to get the rest of them.
13. Pirates of the Caribbean - This was always one of my favorite rides as a kid. I love the movies. I mean really... Orlando Bloom AND Johnny Depp in one movie.

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Anonymous said…
EEEEEE! I love Donnie Darko! I've found it difficult to find other lovers of the Darko. Say, have you seen the director's cut? If so, which did you like better, the director's cut or the final cut?

Great movie choices! Welcome to T13!
SJ Reidhead said…
You can't beat Bringing Up Baby!

The Pink Flamingo
Wakela said…
@kota bear - I actually have the original DVD and the directors cut. Its hard to choose which is better. I love that movie so much! Hmm.. time to make some popcorn and watch it again!

@sj reidhead - Bringing Up Baby is definitely one of the best classic movies.
Anonymous said…
I enjoyed Amelie a lot. I don't mind movoes with subtitles because I can read! Life of Brian is a great film. "He's not the messiah. He's a very naughty boy!"
Anonymous said…
Ahhh I love your #1.. the first time I saw that movie I was like omfg this is so kick ass LOL

I really loved Underworld, too.

Norma said…
I've seen 3 on your list; others I've never heard of! Good job for variety.

My TT is up, thanks for visiting my post on MRSA.
Harris Channing said…
Great list! I love a lot of the same movies. Have you seen, "It Happened One Night"? It's adorable!!!

Wakela said…
I haven't seen "It Happened One Night" in ages! Clark Gable was great in it.

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