Harriet Beamer Takes The Bus
Book Description In this new contemporary novel, middle-aged Harriet Beamer is forced to leave her home in Philadelphia and move to Grass Valley California because her children decide it's time. But Harriet doesn't take the change lightly and seizes the opportunity to make the journey of her life as she travels from town to town, city to city all the way across the country using nothing but local buses, trains, ferries, trolleys and the occasional hot air balloon, a motorcycle and an Amish buggy. But it is on this journey that Harriet learns that although her family thinks it's time for her to be put out to pasture, God has a different plan. Book Review This book was much more then I could possibly have ever imagined! Harriet reminded me so much of my grandma. She was a spunky widow woman who lived life according to her terms. And that is exactly the way Harriet was. Harriet didn’t want to go live with her son and daughter-in-law, but if she...