
Showing posts with the label fiction. Christian fiction

Early Review–Swept Away

Book Description   Decisions, decisions! How is a girl supposed to choose? Lessons of right and wrong are put to the test in the Scenarios series, where you can test your decision-making abilities in an eye-opening, but safe, way. Each book follows a character up to the point where she has to make an important, life-changing decision—then it’s your turn to choose. Will your choices lead to a happy ending? Book Review   I had already reviewed one of the other books in this series, Dare To Be Different .  Once again, even though it is touted as being interactive, the only interactive part is at the end of each story.  You get to choose how they end.  It would have been nice if you could have picked along the way so you can see how different decisions can affect things differently. Even though this book is geared towards tweens, I felt that it might have been more towards actual teenagers.  One of the two stories deals with premarital sex and h...