
Showing posts with the label work


Today wasn't too bad.  We could have gotten out at a great time, but MRI was pretty far behind.  She didn't take the 6:20pm patient back until 7:15pm.  So that didn't let us leave until shortly after 8pm.  The patients were all rather nice today.  Usually we get at least a few crabby ones.  Not today though.  I am so glad, I was really not in the mood to deal with anything.  Dr. H had made a point of coming up to the front desk to ask how I was feeling.  He had read my CT from the other day.  I told him that I was still hurting and feeling crappy.  I made a point of eating soup yesterday to help ease up on my intestines.  I figured that if I ate soup, it would be easier to digest. Time to head home.  I can't wait!  I got the invite to beta Pirates of the Burning Sea finally.  Now I have to patch it.  I had played a bit during the server load test.  However, I really couldn't stay connected because...

Another day, another dollar (or is that penny?)

It's almost time for me to go to work.  I am really not looking forward to going.  Thankfully, this week has been really slow.  Hopefully, today won't be any different.  I just can't wait for the weekend.  I am feeling crappy still and I just want to chill at home. I ended up going to the doctor yesterday.  He sent me to have a stat CT of the abdomen and pelvis.  He thought that it might be appendicitis.  Thankfully, it wasn't!!  It looks  like I just have some sort of stomach virus that is affecting me worse because of my IBS.

Home from work

Well, I was sent home from work early today.  I have been having pain in the right upper quadrant of my abdomen (that is on the right side right under the rib cage).  I was worried it might be my gall bladder.  I go to see my doctor tomorrow.  However, its a good thing I work in a diagnostic center.  They went ahead and did an ultrasound and KUB on me today.  I went back and talked to the radiologist as he read the exam.  He said that both exams were normal.  So hopefully, we will find out what is going on tomorrow.

The Infamous Picture

I finally remembered to bring my camera to work today.  So for those of you who remember the story of the lady who sees invisible cars , here are two photos of the picture.   This first one was taken with the flash on.     This second one was taken with the flash off.  Unfortunately, you can still see reflections since the overhead lighting there is really powerful.  In fact, you can see the reflections of the overhead lights. Here are the pictures.  As you can see, there aren't any cars.  

Why is it only Wednesday?

This week at work has been extremely weird.  Thankfully today was really slow at work.  We actually got to leave a little early.  It was really nice. I forgot to bring my camera to work today.  I wanted to take that picture.  I will try to remember to bring it tomorrow. I don't have internet access at the moment, so I am using Windows Live Writer to type my blogs and save as drafts.  Once the internet comes back up, I will publish.  I hope it comes back up soon.  This is driving me crazy!

Living in Bizarro World

Yesterday at work was extremely insane. It just seemed like all the patients had smoked some wacky weed or something before coming into our center. I gave one lady the sign in sheet and asked her to sign in and sit down. She decided to take the sign in sheet to sit down with her. So when the next person went to go sign in, we had to search for the sheet. She said she thought it was papers for her to fill out. She had been sitting there for ten minutes staring at the paper trying to figure out what she needed to do. How hard is it to see what to do on a sign in sheet? Most medical facilities have something like this. Wow! DP had brought a Christmas dog to work. Its this animated dog on a sleigh that when you squeeze its ear, it barks out Christmas carols. It was cute the first few times. However, every time we turned around, DP was squeezing its ear. It really got annoying after awhile. I was working at the front desk yesterday. There are two windows that open up for patient...

Sometimes I hate being right

Well, last month was my birthday and two others from work as well. We were all skipped over for celebrating. I had blogged about it back then. I know I shouldn't be upset over something so trivial, but still it hurts. Anyway, tomorrow is another girls birthday. She is one of the in crowd. Guess who's birthday they celebrated today! Yep! Thats right. They came around asking for money to get her a cake. I refused. I am sorry, but if you aren't going to do it for everyone, then you shouldn't do it for anyone. Last month I had even said to a few coworkers that I bet they would celebrate VG's birthday. I should have bet money. I would have won. Oh well! I don't have to go back to work until Monday. I am not going to worry about it.

Where Do I Go? What Do I Do?

Well, they changed my position at work yet again. I was told today that I am now the lead closer and will be working at the front desk. In a way I am glad, that way I know that everything is done for closing. I hate being in the back and not being able to start on my closing. Its so nice to get done early. We are already done with the closing. We are just waiting on MRI to finish with their last patient. Then we get to leave. Its just frustrating having our positions changed every few weeks or so. I guess it keeps us on our toes.

what were they thinking?

Ok. I just had it with people today. I feel like crawling somewhere so I don't have to deal with anyone. All of the people who came into the center today were insane! The patients on the phone were insane! They were saying stupid things and doing stupid things! I swear! I was trying to schedule an appointment for one woman and every question I asked her, she would answer with an extremely bizarre answer. I could have asked her what color is the sky and I bet she probably would have said equilateral triangle or something just as weird. I asked her name and I can't even remember what she said, but by the time I got her off the phone, I was ready to beat my head on the desk. I asked her the name of her doctor and she said "yes". Um.. ok.. Your doctor's name is yes? Of course it wasn't. That is how much people pay attention when you are talking to them. I just didn't want to talk on the phone. That is why when Krysta called tonight, I sort of blew ...

Things that go bump in the night

So I created a facebook account finally. My cousins and a bunch of other family members had accounts already. Its nice and easy for me to keep track of family in other countries because of it. Tonight at work was really bizarre. First off, Z kept talking about her brazilian wax that she had done today. She went into detail about how they do them. Umm... All I have to say is OUCH!! Later, CM and AR heard scurrying noises in the ceiling. Yikes! I don't think I want to know what was making that noise. At least the lights in the parking lot were working tonight. It would have been a bad thing if they were still out. I hate walking out in the dark like that. Tonight was a great episode of NCIS. I can't believe that Gibbs almost died. I am glad that he didn't though. I did go to the website and check out what was in the time capsule though. That was interesting. They really went into a lot of detail on that. I really should go see my doctor. I have been having alot...

blah day

Well, I totally feel like crap today. I had things to take care of this morning. I ended up running late. They still wanted me to come into work even though I hadn't had a chance to eat all day and it was almost time to close. Grr... Oh well.. I am so tired. My thyroid has been bothering me all day. It feels like there is something roughly the size of a whale lodged in my throat. It is bothersome to eat or drink anything. I am extremely tired today. I don't know why since I slept most of the day yesterday. Oh well.. Tomorrow is another day. Hopefully, I will feel better then.

You're getting under my skin

Yesterday was an extremely irritating day at work. It seems that patients were just really getting under everyone's skin. There are certain things that patients do that really are irresponsible and annoying. 1. Don't call to make an appointment while driving! You know we are going to ask questions that you will need to get things out of your purse or pocket in order to answer. It is not safe to do this while driving. I have literally had patients tell someone else in the car to "hold the wheel while I get my wallet out of my back pocket". How safe is that? You can wait the few minutes it will take to get to your destination BEFORE calling us to make your appointment. We will still be there. 2. Don't call if you don't know what test you are scheduling! How can you not know what the doctor is sending you for? Don't you ask questions? You would be surprised how many patients can't even tell me the part of body that we are doing the test on. ...

Diablo Denied

Today was one of those days where you just want to crawl back into bed and hope for the day to end very soon. It started when my head was about to implode and explode simultaneously. I am not sure how it was managing it, but it certainly felt like that was happening. I had a combination of a sinus headache with a migraine mixed in for added effect. Once I got to work, the Bobbsey Twins were at it in full force. I can normally deal with them for the few hours that I have to because it is a short amount of time. But with my head feeling like it was just made them ten times worse. They are really nice girls, but extremely hyper. I swear! I think VG has tourrettes or something like it. All of a sudden, she will just bust out with some strange sounds really loud. Or sometimes she will just start singing something off tune and really loud. Plus every other sentence is ended with "Denied!" VB was in rare form today. She is the other half of the Bobbsey Twins. Her favori...

Out of Control Freaks

There are times in our lives when we wished that we could force everyone to be miniature versions of ourselves or some other format that we would rather prefer. However, if we let people be who they are, they just might surprise us. Last night at work, Z went all insane. Apparently her 16 year old sister has a myspace profile. Who doesn't have one now? They are all the rage for teens. Now I had looked at this girls profile. It really wasn't bad at all. There weren't any pictures of her that put her in a compromising position. In fact, there was only one picture of her up there and it was a close up on her face in profile. So its not even like you could get a look at her entire face. However, Z went hysterical. She said that she has already taken her profile down a few times. She called her mom up and had her mom force the login information out of her sister. I think she went completely crazy over nothing. Meanwhile, Z is always surfing myspace in the evening c...

Days End

Thankfully, today is finally drawing to a close. It just seemed to go on forever. Today at work was horrendous. I was stuck in the scheduling room with a bunch of morons. Since the manager and one of the two supervisors were out, they decided they didn't want to do any type of work. Even though company policy does not allow us to have any type of personal music playing, they continued to play it loudly while I was trying to help people on the phone. The one supervisor that was there just stood back powerless. She lets them run rough shod all over her. They two nimwits wouldn't answer phones. They didn't do anything but play. You would think we were back in high school with a substitute teacher. I was thankful when it was time for me to go take over the front desk for closing. Unfortunately, the girls who worked it during the early shift, forgot to mention that there were 4 patients signed in on the prior sheet. They had already highlighted someone on the top sheet....

Monday, Monday

The Question of the Day over at the Monday, Monday meme : What’s on your agenda for today? As for me, I’ve got the day off to spend with my husband. We’ll probably end up at the movies. Any suggestions? Unfortunately, I have to work today. I really don't feel like going in at all. The last few weeks I have been taked off of my job to do another one that no one else wants to do. The reason for this is that in a normal day, I spend 5 hours doing my job and the last 3 hours doing closing work. So, I only have 5 hours a day to get my job done. This never works out at all. That isn't nearly enough time. So the boss took me off of that job for "one week" to show me that it can be done. Well, I made the mistake of commenting that the person who was doing my job was there for 8 hours. I told her that I knew that it could be done in 8 hours. I just couldn't get it done in 5. Well, I later found out that she hadn't been doing all of my work. Just some of it....

bizarre week

I am so glad that this week is almost over. It has been extremely insane. I am not sure how everyone else is fairing this week. I feel like I have definitely stepped into the Twilight Zone. There are a few weird things that truly stood out above the rest. Yesterday, one of the managers from one of our other centers called up. I answered the phone. She identified herself and then asked "Are you phones working?" I really wanted to give a sarcastic answer, but since she was a manager I couldn't. I mean really!! What was she thinking? Of course the phones were working if I answered them. After helping a patient on the phone, she told me "Merry Christmas". Umm... ok... We are still in August. Maybe they moved Christmas?? Heck, if they can randomly decide to move daylight savings time, maybe they can just move holidays around too. I had some labwork done on Monday. It wasn't too bad. They only took 5 vials of blood this time. I have to wait two weeks for my result...

how stupid can you be?

I wouldn't believe someone could be this stupid until this happened at work. One of the front desk girls came over into my office to ask for my help. She said that something was wrong with her scanner. I went to her desk and noticed that it wasn't on. I pushed the on button and it wouldn't come on. The cord in the back was firmly in place. So I did the next logical thing. I made sure it was plugged into the wall socket. It of course wasn't. I told her it wasn't plugged in and that is why it wouldn't work. Her response was "How would I know it wouldn't work if it wasn't plugged in?" My response was "Well, does you TV work if it isn't plugged in?" The other girl at the front desk was laughing her ass off at this point. It was completely hysterical!!

Week from Hell

Well, I have completely had the week from hell. Work was utterly unbearable. We are still not going to be getting any new employees to help with the increased hours or increased work load. Last week, one of our best employees left. Cristina was an awesome worker. She was great with the patients. She couldn't afford the insurance rate increase, so she had to leave. This is really sad. They would rather risk losing good employees then to do something about it. The morale at the office is going down the tubes. Last night I was the closer. I literally was there for two hours by myself. I had to answer phones, register patients, and do the closing paperwork. One lady got mad at me because I had her on hold for too long. I had a patient in front of me that I was trying to get registered. I had no choice. I can't do both at the same time. How can I talk to two people at once? Impossible! What happened to the days when employers actually cared about the employees? Don...

Work is a Prison

Ok so last night I dreamt that my job was a prison. I don't mean that I got a new job in a jail. I mean that my current job had bars on the windows and we were there doing time. I guess that this would be a perfect metafor for the way that I am feeling about my job lately. I still like working with all the people there. Its just that every time I turn around someone is adding a new project to my plate. I already have way more things to do then there are hours in the day. (And I am not talking about 8 hour shift, I am talking 24 hour day!!) It has gotten to the point that everything that they want me to do, just can't physically be done by one person. In fact, I don't think it can be physically done by two people. I am slacking off on so many of them because it is just too much. I am burning out really fast! They keep wanting me to come in on weekends now to work overtime to get this stuff done. I am getting so burned out that I just don't want to. It is becom...