Work is a Prison

Ok so last night I dreamt that my job was a prison. I don't mean that I got a new job in a jail. I mean that my current job had bars on the windows and we were there doing time.

I guess that this would be a perfect metafor for the way that I am feeling about my job lately. I still like working with all the people there. Its just that every time I turn around someone is adding a new project to my plate. I already have way more things to do then there are hours in the day. (And I am not talking about 8 hour shift, I am talking 24 hour day!!)

It has gotten to the point that everything that they want me to do, just can't physically be done by one person. In fact, I don't think it can be physically done by two people. I am slacking off on so many of them because it is just too much. I am burning out really fast!

They keep wanting me to come in on weekends now to work overtime to get this stuff done. I am getting so burned out that I just don't want to. It is becoming such an ordeal to get myself ready for work. I have gotten to the point that I just don't want to go and have to fight with myself to get ready.

Yes, my thyroid is coming under control, but the key word is "coming". I am still not there yet. They have to understand, that I am one person only! Yes I may know alot of information because I started in the medical field back in 1988. However, I am one who is still trying to get her health back in order.

I love earning the extra money in overtime, but I can't do it every weekend. They don't understand that there are many weekends that I will literally sleep from Friday night until Sunday morning because my body is trying to recuperate just from working.

I literally don't do anything but work, play computer games, grocery shop. That is all my life consists of any more. I haven't had the energy to go out and do anything in ages.

I am supposed to be reconciling the various PACs systems on a daily basis. I haven't had the time to do that in several months. I am supposed to be checking the router in order to discard old films that are no longer being kept on site. I don't have enough hours in the day to do that. I am supposed to be working the incoming faxes to make appointments for them. I keep falling behind because there isn't enough time.

Where is my time spent? I have to field incoming calls. I have to attempt to get prescriptions and referrals ready for the next day's appointments. There have been times I have been on hold with physician's offices for over ten minutes. When you have three rooms to prepare, that can add up to alot of patients. That equals a lot of hold time. I also have to put out minor IT fires that arise. The past few days we have been having issues with the router. That takes me away from my other things. Well guess what! Its not like I get any help if I am away doing that. Then we have the fact that certain doctor's offices will only call and talk to me. I know its nice for them to have a certain point of contact, but come on already. I have too much crap to do that prevents me from being the logical choice. They need to have an employee who works doctor office hours and only works the phones who is the point of contact.

I hate the way things have become there. I just don't know anymore. It really is becoming too much for me to handle. Complaining only goes on deaf ears.

Perfect example is Mondays. I come in to work at 7am and leave at 3:30pm. I am stuck at the front desk until 10:30am. So from 10:30am until noon I am racing through all the faxes that came in over the weekend and that morning trying to figure out if any of them already have appointments or not. The ones that do, I put the paperwork in the appropriate place. If not, I put it aside to call the patient's later. I then go to lunch at noon. When I come back at 12:30pm, I have to start getting things together for the next day's patients. Here is where the problem arises. Most offices are on service from noon until 2pm. So I literally only have from 2pm until 3:30pm to call the doctors. I can't work it any other way. I have to do the faxes first so that I can tell if there is anything that I need for the next day from there.

Well, I am doing this while still trying to take incoming calls. The majority of the time, I am only able to do a half assed job. I hate that! That is not the way I work.

If things don't change soon, I am going to have to find another job!!


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