
Showing posts with the label La Ciguapa

La Ciguapa

  Book Description   Hailey is struggling to make ends meet after a broken engagement when she learns that she is a Ciguapa, a mythological creature with reversed feet that preys on men.  Fed up with the direction of her life, Hailey and her best friend Tasha travel for some fun in the sun in the Dominican Republic to investigate the Ciguapa legend, where she meets Andrew and the lost tribe of Ciguapas. Torn between her love for Andrew and her desire to join the Ciguapas, Hailey must make the most important choice of all. Book Review   I was hoping to enjoy this book.  Unfortunately, I did not. I did not like the way that the narration took place.  Instead of normal, novel style narration, the author decided to go with play style narration.  To me, this breaks up the flow of reading. The reversed feet reminds me of that character on the old Beast Master show, Curupira which is based off the Guarani legend of Curupi.  I also fou...