
Showing posts with the label Sunday Scribblings

Sunday Scribblings a day late

So over at the Sunday Scribblings blog, they posted a really interesting journal prompt. It really got me thinking. When in your life did you feel the most powerful? Was it childhood? College? Now? What is that feeling like; what does it mean? Do you have power over your own life, or are you not feeling that so much these days? If you don't want to get serious, you might imagine superhero powers, and what you would do with them. I would definitely have to say that it was my childhood. Those golden years of youth spent running around the streets. My parents didn't have to worry about the same thing that parents of todays younger generation have to. I lived in the same house all of my life. My neighbors didn't change that much while growing up. So it was always the same ones. We were all buddies. We were there for each other. Of course we had our share of squabbles, but don't all kids? I remember attempting to hold a magic show in my backyard. I had no knowledge ...