
Showing posts with the label Chicken Soup for the Soul

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Messages from Heaven

Book Description   When our loved ones leave this world, our connection with them does not end and we often receive signs from the other side. These true and touching stories of will amaze and support all readers -- religious or secular.The 101 true and miraculous stories in this book of signs and messages from beyond show that death may take away the physical presence of our loved ones, but not their spirit. This book is for everyone, religious or secular, as regular people share their amazing experiences with the other side. Book Review   First off, have lots of tissues when you read this one.  I generally cry while reading books in the Chicken Soup for the Soul series.  However, this one really got to me.  The stories in this one were all touching and heart-felt.  It doesn’t matter what religion you are, you cannot refute that we all want to believe that our family and friends who have passed on are there waiting in the wings to greet us to...

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Family Caregivers

Book Description   Do you have a family member who requires constant care? You are not alone. This collection offers support and encouragement in its 101 stories for family caregivers of all ages, including the “sandwich” generation caring for a family member while raising their children. With stories by those on the receiving end of the care too. These stories of love, sacrifice, and lessons will inspire and uplift family members making sacrifices to make sure their loved ones are well cared for, whether in their own homes or elsewhere. Book Review   On a day to day basis, being a family caregiver can be rather tiring.  It leaves you with little time for yourself and can sometimes cause resentments to build up. However, its only when the person you are taking care of passes do you realize all those moments that you treasured.  This book honors those moments during being the caregiver that can turn into treasured memories. If you are still lucky enoug...

Inspiration for the Young at Heart

Book Description   Life begins again at 60! Crossing that magic age might bring a few new wrinkles but also new experiences. This collection is full of humorous and fun adventures from those who are actively enjoying their "senior years!" Book Review   Once again, the Chicken Soup for the Soul team has put together a great collection of short stories.  Even though I am quite a bit younger then the intended reader of this particular volume, I still enjoyed each and every story.  They were tender, endearing, and heartfelt. So if you have a special someone in your life who has reached the milestone of 60, then I suggest you give them this book to show them that life is not even close to being over!  In fact, the journey is just beginning. Chicken Soup for the Soul: Inspiration for the Young at Heart: 101 Stories of Inspiration, Humor, and Wisdom about Life at a Certain Age (Chicken Soup for the Soul (Quality Paper)) (9781935096719): Jack C...

Devotional Stories for Tough Times

Book Description   Life has always been filled with trials, including illness, job loss, grief, addictions, and much more. God never promised that our earthly lives would be without difficulties, but He assured us that He will always be with us to share our burdens. Chicken Soup for the Soul: Devotional Stories for Tough Times is filled with stories that show God's presence during a time of trouble. Readers will find encouragement, solace, and strength in these personal stories and prayers. Book Review   Once again the Chicken Soup for the Soul team has put out another splendid book!  In this addition, each story is paired with a Biblical quote and a short prayer.  This one is for when times get tough and you just don’t think you can make it through it.  You can feel the love and devotion pouring off of each page! Chicken Soup for the Soul: Devotional Stories for Tough Times: 101 Daily Devotions to Inspire and Support You in Times of Need (Chick...