
Showing posts with the label poetry

The Mexican Saga

Book Description   On December 21st 2012, the Mayan 'Long Count' calendar cycle will come to an end. A new cycle of time will replace what has gone before. To some, this means doomsday; to others a new beginning. To the Nagual, the Toltec energy masters who exist in deep time, the great cycles of time are the very warp and weft of their existence. Read this poetic narrative and feel the experiential, non-narcotic rush of a four-year-old initiate who grows to become a full-fledged Nagual. In length and heft, The Mexican Saga is written in verse, but reads like a short story, filled with wit, humor, and a sense of the wonder of beings that perceive realms of existence only dimly visible to us. Prepare for December 21st 2012... Book Review   As December 21, 2012 fast approaches, many wonder what it means for the Mayan calendar to end.  There has been so many various outlooks on this.  Of course, one of the popular theories is that the world will ceas...

Fine Black Lines

Book Description   Written by a breast cancer survivor, hailed by professionals and patients as an excellent resource, loved by its thousands of readers, the award-winning Fine Black Lines provides courage, comfort and hope through its introspective journal entries, startling photographs, succinct poetry and reflections. Book Review   Having lost my dad to cancer when I was only 16, this book really hit home.  But not for just that reason either.  This book is great for anyone going through some major health battles.  Lois Tschetter Hjelmstad takes you through the rough landscape of trying to get through each day while not knowing what lays ahead of you health wise.  The poetry that she writes will touch your heart and soul in such profound ways.  The to read her journal entries alongside of them, you can see what was going on at the time and how she was feeling emotionally as she wrote each poem. If you or a loved one is going throug...

My Pictures, My Words

  Book Description   A Unique Book that Captures the Full Beauty of Nature and the Human Spirit. Stirring images and piercing poetry come together in this gorgeous collection from the multitalented Mac Kenney. Here are vibrant color photographs that evoke the full range of human emotions, set against powerful verses on love, life, and the beauty that surrounds us. Ponder the mysteries of existence from a single lonely bench; reflect on what really matters as the sun drops beneath a brilliant red horizon; and examine the incredible diversity of life on our planet as you gaze on nature's wonders. Those images gain even more meaning as you read Kenney's memorable poems that urge a greater appreciation of our short time on earth. That's the message of the poem "Life," which reminds us of the dangers of settling for a "9-5" existence and the incredible reward of being bolder. "So Little Time" is about taking advantage of our brief appearance...

Early Review -The Hunchback of Neiman Marcus

Book Description   Say hello to Holly—a writer way behind on her deadline whose fiftieth birthday is rushing at her like a freight train. Which might not seem so bad if her hormones weren’t making her feel like a Szechuan flambé, her editor wasn’t calling every day to tighten the screws, and her eighty-year-old mother wasn’t biting her nurses because the doctor’s been feeding her enough steroids to kill an elephant. Not to mention the fact that Holly’s daughter has just begun applying to colleges (none of which are within a thousand mile radius of home) and, lately, her husband’s been such an irritating, finger-pointing stinker that she’s found herself dreaming of ways to spend his insurance money… The Hunchback of Neiman Marcus dances effortlessly between the hilarious and the heart-wrenching, the preposterous and the painfully familiar, leaping from the page in a completely unexpected and original way. Sonya Sones is the author of four acclaimed novels for teens—Stop Pr...

Samhain Night

Here is a poem that I wrote back in 2003 for Samhain. Samhain Night October 25, 2003 Darkness creeps in the land quiets down anticipation of visits as the veil thins Relatives long gone Coming by for a chat Their spirits are here with us Closer then ever before Love ones we have missed Others we are glad are gone Those not known to us All here to visit once more Witches celebrate Its the Celtic new year Time for change and transformation Time for renewal Shifting Changing Everything spinning As the Wheel of the Year starts again

Cosmic Chaos in the Microcosm

Defrost the glacial chill upon my soul Existence floats by Upon the ethereal mists Void of all meaning Chasms open devouring the heart Leaving a cavernous hole Despair Destruction They know no bounds Burned at the stake of my thoughts Crucified by pain Lost in the labyrinth Gloom leaves no trails to follow The only course is the bloody Entrails of those who have passed before Fiends waiting Watching for a slip Ready to devour the next prey Treading a tremulous path Intent on grasping death on my provisos My demise will come in its bitter time Bringing with it A respite

Sorrow in the Morn

Waking up with the hopes of new changes Seeing the dreariness of times ahead Never changing Always same Floating through the motions Like a ghostly apparition Sun rising to burn off the fog Brightens up the dark shadows of the mind Spotlights on insanity Highlighting the way Never knowing where you have been Never knowing where you are going Endless misery

The Dark Miasma of My Soul

Sitting alone in silence Nothing but my thoughts Darkness takes over Chilling my heart A tear slips down my cheek Icy trail of salty emotion Alone and empty With no where to turn And no where to go Silence is no longer golden It is dark and dismel It pushes in on my soul Taking me over so that I am empty Devoid of humanity Just a shell of what I once was Where is the bliss I was promised Its beyond my reach I see people smiling Don't they know there isn't a reason to go on?

Over The Edge

Teetering on the brink of madness Winds of life sweeping me over the edge Falling deeper into the chasm Wrapping myself up in the cold blanket of the abyss Darkness envelopes my heart Emptiness runs through my veins Plummeting towards the bottom The ground rushing up on me Only to look over and see the edge of another cliff Waiting for the next wind to start it all again

Tides of Emotion

Here is another one that I wrote a few years back. The Tides of Emotion © May 2004 Crystalline Spiritwalker Ebbing and flowing The emotions roll in On a beautiful day, softly lapping at the shores of our heart On the surface peaceful, glistening and shining However, deeper and deeper you dive beneath Darker and murkier Mysterious and yet profound Unknown lurking Hidden until the storms rage Tossing aside calmness Whirling eddies Drawing the sinking ship into the vast chasm Deep within the salty waters Paddling frantically Trying to stay afloat Zoloft becomes your life preserver Clinging to sanity Praying to be saved from the shipwreck
This is an old poem that I wrote back in 2003 for a talk I was giving on Samhein. At the time I was writing as Crystalline Spiritwalker. Samhain Night by Crystalline Spiritwalker October 25, 2003 Darkness creeps in the land quiets down anticipation of visits as the veil thins Relatives long gone Coming by for a chat Their spirits are here with us Closer then ever before Love ones we have missed Others we are glad are gone Those not known to us All here to visit once more Witches celebrate Its the Celtic new year Time for change and transformation Time for renewal Shifting Changing Everything spinning As the Wheel of the Year starts again

Bittersweet Mysteries

This is a poem that I wrote over two years ago. I don't even remember the name of the guy that I liked at the time. Now that is sad!! Bittersweet Mysteries To know your thoughts To know your dreams To catch a glimpse within Intrigues aroused Feelings awakened Some may say you aren't for me Some may ask me why There is a mystery Its so hard to say The way you move The way you smile The way you think Its not just one thing You are a total person You are a shining soul Truth and vitality pour forth I may not be able to tell you You may never know Feelings abound Feelings locked deep inside Sadness overwhelms For the bittersweet mysteries Life brought us together Life keeps us apart Not life itself But fear of living Fear of reaching out to another Lives so different Yet lives so similar If I only knew It would be so much easier I know my thoughts Yours are a mystery Friends say they know How can anyone but you know Give just a hint Give just a clue Let me taste the bittersweet m...