Early Review -The Hunchback of Neiman Marcus
Book Description Say hello to Holly—a writer way behind on her deadline whose fiftieth birthday is rushing at her like a freight train. Which might not seem so bad if her hormones weren’t making her feel like a Szechuan flambé, her editor wasn’t calling every day to tighten the screws, and her eighty-year-old mother wasn’t biting her nurses because the doctor’s been feeding her enough steroids to kill an elephant. Not to mention the fact that Holly’s daughter has just begun applying to colleges (none of which are within a thousand mile radius of home) and, lately, her husband’s been such an irritating, finger-pointing stinker that she’s found herself dreaming of ways to spend his insurance money… The Hunchback of Neiman Marcus dances effortlessly between the hilarious and the heart-wrenching, the preposterous and the painfully familiar, leaping from the page in a completely unexpected and original way. Sonya Sones is the author of four acclaimed novels for teens—Stop Pr...