Review–The Blessing of Adversity
Book Description
Most people see trouble as something negative and seek to avoid it whenever possible. But what if it’s those troubles that actually lead to greater blessing and purpose? In The Blessing of Adversity, a retired U.S. Navy admiral and the 62nd chaplain of the U.S. Senate distills the wisdom gained from thirty years as a counselor, theologian, and psychologist. Barry Black offers a blueprint for removing the sting of life’s trials, showing us how to let God use our pain for his glory by blessing others—and how that can actually help heal our own pain. Drawing on Scripture and his own experiences as a counselor and chaplain to some of the most powerful people in the world, Black teaches us how to deal with seasons of God’s apparent silence, offers techniques for staying encouraged in the middle of life’s storms, and shows how to find advantages in adversity.
Book Review
This book was filled with words of power and love. It was an incredibly well written book that helps to ease you through tough times in your life.
One thing that I really loved was not only the fact that the author addressed how we might block ourselves from living the life that God has planned for us, but he demonstrates where in the Bible that God has made these promises to us.
Without adversity in our lives, they become stagnant and we don’t have the chance to grow. Barry Black shows us how to use these times and the love of God to be able to grow into the people that we were meant to be.
The Blessing of Adversity: Finding Your God-given Purpose in Life's Troubles (9781414326801): Barry C. Black: Books |
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