
Showing posts with the label contest

Twigtale: Arya is Loved!

  Disclaimer: I received this book free from Twigtale in exchange for an honest review. I did not receive any form of compensation. Review When I was little, my parents had bought a set of books called the Read About Me series.  Each book had my name, pet’s name, friends’ names, and family members’ names.   I loved those books because each one was personalized with information about me.  Even though I had those books almost 40 years ago, I can still remember some of the stories from them. When my kids were small, there really wasn’t anything like that.  Now that my niece has a daughter, I came across Twigtale !  I was so ecstatic to find these books.  Each one has pictures that you have taken yourself and are interspersed in the story.  So not only is there information that you provide to them about the child, but actual pictures of the child as well.  These are definitely books that you will want to keep around.  When I got...

Great contest

I just found out about a great contest going on. I tend to have really dry skin due to my thyroid condition and some of the meds I am on. Sometimes, it gets to the point that I don't like the feel of my own skin. There is a new lotion out called Skin MD that is supposed to help with dry skin. Laura Williams currently has a give away going on over at her blog for a bottle of the lotion. Stop by her blog and check it out.

Faeries, Witches, and Cauldrons.. Oh My!

Smoky green haze filled the air. She was at it again. Syltenia was convinced that there was a secret faerie world. She was convinced that if she found the right potion, she would be able to access it. All of the other witches were tired of her incessant stirring up crazy concoctions in her cauldron. Her cauldron had been in her family for centuries. Her great grandmother swore that she had mistakenly mixed up a batch of potion that granted her entrance to the faerie realm. The rest of the community thought she had gone mad. No one believed in faeries anymore. It was believed that the faeries had became extinct during the Great Witch-Dragon wars over a millenium ago. So here Syltenia sat, stirring away at the cauldron day in and day out. She was practically shunned by the rest of the community. The aweful smells and horrible smoke was always eminating from her little cottage. Yet, she knew that this cauldron would once again be the birth of the Faerie Land potion. Each day, should would...

Raven Halloween Hunt

How many of you like reading? How many more like scavenger hunts? I found a great combination. Be prepared to spend hours working on this one though. Be prepared to go searching through about 60 sites to find the image. Don't be fooled. There were some sites that I found the big image that I have to the left. That is not the one you need to find. The one you need is the small one on that they have an example of on the main contest page. After about halfway through, I realized that some authors had both. So of course, I had to go back and start again just to make sure I got the correct ones. There are tons of prizes to win. You don't get to choose which prizes you get. I have found out about a bunch of great writers whose books I am going to be searching for. There are some whose web pages leave me cringing. They were so cumbersome to look through. Some even had a different look to each page. Others opened each page into another window. Its very frustrating.