Faeries, Witches, and Cauldrons.. Oh My!

Smoky green haze filled the air. She was at it again. Syltenia was convinced that there was a secret faerie world. She was convinced that if she found the right potion, she would be able to access it. All of the other witches were tired of her incessant stirring up crazy concoctions in her cauldron.

Her cauldron had been in her family for centuries. Her great grandmother swore that she had mistakenly mixed up a batch of potion that granted her entrance to the faerie realm. The rest of the community thought she had gone mad. No one believed in faeries anymore. It was believed that the faeries had became extinct during the Great Witch-Dragon wars over a millenium ago.

So here Syltenia sat, stirring away at the cauldron day in and day out. She was practically shunned by the rest of the community. The aweful smells and horrible smoke was always eminating from her little cottage.

Yet, she knew that this cauldron would once again be the birth of the Faerie Land potion. Each day, should would experiment with this and that. She would through in a little eye of newt or maybe a little lizard liver. Each time, it would be just a little different. She carefully measured. She faithfully wrote every thing down. Her cauldron was always stewing up some foul mess.

Finally, Samhain was upon the land again. It was a magickal time. It was on this day, that she stumbled on the right combination as her great grandmother had done years ago. Finally she would prove to everyone that the faeries were no longer extinct.

That day, she felt renewed with confidence. Her hands snatched bottles off of her shelf with very little thought. She stirred the potion with care all the while humming a little tune that she couldn't get out of her head.

She sampled a little of the concotion out of her cauldron. Her eyes started to go in and out of focus. She felt like the room was spinning. Finally when things settled back down again, she was shocked to see a tiny little faerie sitting on the edge of her cauldron. It was the most beautiful creature that she had ever laid eyes upon.

The faerie let her know that since she had been trying all of these years without giving up, they had decided to help her out. They whispered in her ear the ingredients. They hummed the song in her ear. They wanted to make themselves known to her.

The faeries lived all around her. They were everywhere. However, they had been hidden from everyone's view.
The faeries felt that it was time to show themselves again. So they told her to take her potion and bake up some pumpkin bread with it. There was to be a big festival tonight ending in a huge samhain ritual.

That afternoon while everyone was setting up for the festival, she carefully concealed the pumpkin bread that was laid out for the festival. In its place, she put out the faerie pumpkin bread that she lovingly baked. She then whisked herself home to prepare herself for tonights festivities.

That evening, the party had started. People were out in the streets dressed in their holiday best. They were dancing to the music. They were eating the food that was laid out. They were chatting away having a merry time. It started to happen so suddenly. People started complaining of being dizzy. Once the dizziness stopped, the gasps of amazement started. It wasn't until everyone had eaten from the faerie pumpkin bread that the true festival started.

The faeries had their own spread of food set out. They had their own music playing. The entire witch community was now able to see them. They all now believed because one witch and her cauldron refused to give up.

This story was written for Halloween can inspire your cauldron.


Anonymous said…
HI Wakela Runen, your badge of honour from the Spicy Awards 2007 is ready! Just drop me a line via the contact page on my blog with your email address so I can send it to you! And thanks for entering! x

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