
Showing posts with the label Michael T. Fournier

Hidden Wheel

Book Description   When an art scene takes root in a pop-up colony called Freedom Springs, micro-visionary Ben Wilfork promotes the giant, autobiographical, 600-square-foot canvases of former chess prodigy and high-end dominatrix Rhonda Barrett using his Hidden Wheel as a bridge to the future before pre-Datastrophe history completes itself. Book Review   This was a fun, easy read that took relatively little time to get involved in.  I thoroughly enjoyed reading this short book. The characters were completely quirky.  The plot was quick witted.  This book took me on a wild ride that was fun. The funky format did take some getting used to.  However, I can see where it totally fit in with the style of the story. Hidden Wheel (9780983581314): Michael T Fournier: Books ISBN : 0983581312 ISBN-13 : 9780983581314 In conjunction with the Wakela’s World Disclosure Statement , I received a product in order to enable my review. No other compensation...