
Showing posts with the label 30 day

30 Blogging Challenge–Day 30

Day 30: a picture of yourself this day and 5 good things that happened since you started the challenge   Today is the last day of this challenge.  I know that it says to include a picture of myself this day.  However, I was up late last night and have ginormous bags under my eyes.  So instead of scaring you with those, I chose to forgo including a picture of myself. As for the five good things that have happened since starting this challenge.  That is a difficult one for me.  I have met some incredibly wonderful people through various blogs. I started taking liquid B12 and I have a lot more energy because of it. I have had an increase of followers which I absolutely love. I just got to spend a few days with my sister Brenda.  I don’t get to see her that often.  I really wished that the reason I got to see her was a better one, but at least I got to spend a few days with her. I got a ...

30 Day Blogging Challenge–Day 29

Day 29: 3 Wishes   For my first wish, I would have to wish for good health.  When my health is bad, I can’t really enjoy anything else.  So I would just be wasting wishes if this wasn’t the first wish.  My second wish would be for money.  At first I was thinking the usual million dollars, but in today’s economy, I don’t think that would go to far.  So I would say my wish would be for an unlimited supply of money which I can use for anything. My last wish would be for love.  I know that I have the love of God and the love of my family and friends.  However, I am tired of not having a life partner.  I know that he will show up when I am ready for him, but sometimes it gets me sad to see so many other  people with someone in their lives. What would your three wishes be?

30 Day Blogging Challenge–Day 28

Day 28: Something that stresses you out   The first thing that comes to mind when I read this question is when my computer breaks on me.  For the most part, I can fix most issues with my computer.  However, there are those rare times when I have to bring it into my friend George’s shop.  I remember one time when my friend Jeff was still co-owner of the store with him and he had made a rather interesting comment.  Like I said, I can usually fix the computer myself.  Those times that I do have to bring it in is because something weird is going on that I can’t figure out.  Well, on one of those occasions, Jeff had said that he was going to send me over to his competitors because I always end up with the strangest things happening to my computer and he didn’t want the headache of trying to figure them out.  He thought that I would annoy his competitor enough and they would just go out of business. So what stresses you out?

Review–An Apple A Day

  Image via Wikipedia Book Description   From Old Testament proverbs to modern phrases like "the best things in life are free," An Apple a Day takes a fun look at expressions that "have stood the test of time." Read through from start to finish or search through the list of hundreds of the most common proverbs, arranged from A to Z for easy reference. You'll learn about each proverb's surprising origins, why some are valid and others are not, the derivation and meanings behind them, and their relevance in today's society. Includes entries like: Two heads are better than one: Like the less-familiar "Four eyes see better than two," this proverb extols the benefits of having someone else help you make up your mind-and it's a view that goes back to at least the fourteenth century. But while it is always useful to have a second opinion (A sounding board? Someone else to blame?) it might also be worth bearing in...