Early Review–Counterfeit Gospels


Book Description


The biblical gospel is like a three-legged stool: a story that climaxes with an announcement which births a community.  Deny one or more of these components and you have a counterfeit. Counterfeit Gospels exposes six common versions of the "good news" that fail to do justice to the biblical portrait and thus leave us impoverished rather than empowered for ministry. By exposing the counterfeits and explaining the biblical gospel, this book will help Christians gain clarity on the gospel and challenge them to accept no substitutes.

Book Review


Just as passing counterfeit currency around can undermine a government, passing around counterfeit gospels can undermine Christianity.

Trevin goes on to explain the three prongs of the gospel and how to truly understand the true gospel.  He points towards Biblical references to show how certain gospels that people take as being true are in fact counterfeit gospels.  And he shows us how to find the truth.

This book really opened my eyes.  I know that the Bible has been translated into many different versions.  But I didn’t realize that people had altered the gospels for their own purposes. 

This is a must read for every Christian. 

In conjunction with the Wakela's World Disclosure Statement, I received a product in order to enable my review. No other compensation has been received. My statements are an honest account of my experience with the brand. The opinions stated here are mine alone.


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