bizarre week

I am so glad that this week is almost over. It has been extremely insane. I am not sure how everyone else is fairing this week. I feel like I have definitely stepped into the Twilight Zone. There are a few weird things that truly stood out above the rest.

Yesterday, one of the managers from one of our other centers called up. I answered the phone. She identified herself and then asked "Are you phones working?" I really wanted to give a sarcastic answer, but since she was a manager I couldn't. I mean really!! What was she thinking? Of course the phones were working if I answered them.

After helping a patient on the phone, she told me "Merry Christmas". Umm... ok... We are still in August. Maybe they moved Christmas?? Heck, if they can randomly decide to move daylight savings time, maybe they can just move holidays around too.

I had some labwork done on Monday. It wasn't too bad. They only took 5 vials of blood this time. I have to wait two weeks for my results though. Most of the tests only take a few days, but there is one important one that takes two weeks. So, I have the choice of going now to get part of my results or waiting and getting them all at the same time. I figured that I would rather just pay one copay instead of two. I just hate having to wait.


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