Thursday Thirteen #4 - Random Facts about me

Thirteen RandomThings about Wakela

1. I took Tai Kwan Do when I was in elementary school. I miss doing this. The teacher was really great. However, she was in a car accident and had to stop teaching. My dad tried for ages to find another teacher that I liked, but he wasn't able to. Ms. Lee was the best. I wish my scanner was up so I could scan in a picture of her. :-(

2. I have been dying my hair since I was 16 because of prematurely grey hair. Its a curse in my family to get grey hair early. I have dyed it black, brown, red, and purple. Yes, I went purple when I was in college. I have always thought of going blonde, but I just don't think it will look good on me.

3. I worked on a tarot phone line when I was in college. I have been reading tarot cards since I was 14. I learned really fast that these lines are hoaxes. There were only 3 or 4 of us who actually knew how to read. Everyone else had scripts that they would pick from.

4. I am Pagan. I have been since I was a teenager. My parents brought me up in a Christian home but felt it was very important for each of us to learn who we truly were and to find our own paths. This was the religion I feel most comfortable with. We feel that all religions of love and light lead to the same destination. They just have different scenery along the way.

5. I am left handed. I would often get frustrated when my parents would show me how to do something and they were trying to demonstrate using their right hands. My brain wasn't able to transpose it to my left hand. So I would either end up using my right hand to do what they were teaching me or it would end up sloppy. Like the time my mom tried to teach me to crochet. Wow! Was that ever a mess!

6. I am the youngest of 4 girls. My parents had wanted a boy. Instead they got me. Actually, I was an "oops! You can get pregnant during menopause?" baby. My sisters are much older then me. In fact, my oldest sister is 17 years older then me and the youngest is 12 years older then me. My mom had been menopausal for a year. They didn't realize that she could still get pregnant. And then out popped me.

7. My family is from Canada. I am a first born American. My parents and my sisters were all born up in Hamilton, Ontario Canada. I used to travel up there as a kid. I haven't been back up there since 1984 though.

8. In 6th grade, my parents put me into a modeling class. It was one of those after school programs that the local park was having. It was a lot of fun. It was probably one of the first things "girly" that I had done. I was a total tom boy. So I got to learn how they walk on the run way. Plus we learned tips and tricks for make up, clothing, hair, and a ton of other things. Of course, most of those tips I can't use today since it was the 80s after all. I definitely don't need tips on how to make my hair bigger or how to get the right shade of blue eyeshadow!

9. I have a very eclectic taste in music. I actually love listening to most styles of music. Most people get shocked when they see my CD collection. I actually have opera, classical, country, Christian, pagan, rock, goth, rap, reggaeton, pop, 80s, 70s, big band, and much more. Some of the artists that I listen to are Theresa Brewer, Herb Alpert, Johnny Cash, Michael W. Smith, Lacuna Coil, Sarah Brightman, Elaine Silver, and many others.

10. I have literally passed out from pain on way too many occasions to count. I have IBS and the pain can get unbearable sometimes. I have been rushed to the emergency room on numerous occasions because of it. When the pain gets that bad, the only thing that helps it is when they give me dilotid (not sure if that is spelled correctly!)

11. I love playing video games, but I never feel like I am good enough at them. I still like playing them though. I guess one of the reasons I feel that I am not that good is because my best friend usually does better then me. She finishes them first. But that is mainly because she has been unable to work for many years because of Crohn's disease. So her entire day is spent doing nothing but playing video games. She hates watching TV and doesn't even own one that works. So she gets to higher levels first. Then she complains about how I should be about the same level as her. It gets frustrating and makes me feel bad.

12. I get easily distracted. It has taken me about an hour to get this far in this post. Lets see, while posting this, I have read email, checked facebook, checked myspace, browsed a few blogs, and umm... hold on will be right back as I go pop off to do something else. :-)

13. I am a participant in NaNoWriMo and NaBloPoMo. For NaNoWriMo, we write a 50,000 word novel in one month. There is no editing during this time, we just write. And for NaBloPoMo, we make a blog post every day in the month of November. This is the first time I am attempting either one of them. Hopefully, I will be able to finish at least one of them. If you are participating in either, feel free to add me as a friend on the sites.

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


Cynthia said…
#13 is going to keep you busy!!! Good luck!
Anonymous said…
Interesting that your parents told you they wanted a boy!
Michelle said…
Thanks for visiting! I didn't know about NaBloPoMo--good luck with it! I know I couldn't do it.

Happy TT!
Chelle Y. said…
You're a very interesting person, Wakela! :)
The Gal Herself said…
Ouch on #5. That must have been rough. Are your sisters all righties? BTW, thanks for stopping by my TT.
impwork said…
Good luck with NaNoWriMo I'm more of a Novel in 2 years kind of writer but I can see the NaNo attraction :-)
Anonymous said…
Interesting post. I love to find out about people. I am a should try it, we do have more fun. Thanks for stopping by! Happy T13
Anonymous said…
Informative list, but you never mentioned have you been naughty or nice? Thanks for visiting my TT.
Anonymous said…
I'm left-handed, too, and the only one in the immediate family who is. It can be sometimes difficult to live in a world "ruled" by the right hand. Ah well...I make do and I hope you do, too! *smiles*

Thank you for stopping by..have a great weekend!
Jackie said…
Interesting list.

Happy TT :)
Anonymous said…
I signed up for nanowrimo too. I have no idea how far along I'll get, but I'm giving it a try. Great TT, and thanks for visiting mine. Happy Friday!
Anonymous said…
I am easily distracted too. Quite often, in the of typing a sentence I might just
Gellianne said…
Hi!My son is also left handed.Yeah, elders seem to have a notion for a kid to be left handed.

I think I am interested at NaBloPoMo.I just do not know if I can really commit to it.
Wakela said…
Thanks everyone for stopping by. NaNoWriMo and NaNoBloMo will definitely keep me busy. I do think that NaNoBloMo will be alot easier though.

@susiej They used to tell me it alot. In fact the doctor had even told them that I was going to be a boy. They picked out a boys name and everything.

@the gal herself I have 3 sisters. 1 is a lefty and the other 2 are righties.

@greatfullivin I am just too chicken to try it. Wait! Then again, I wasn't too chicken to try purple. So what could be worse.

@ dear santa claus Umm.. it depends on the time of day?
Robin said…
I'm left-handed too, so I can really identify.

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