Friday's Feast #3

Our normal chef host is enjoying the day off after Thanksgiving. So Gattina was nice enough to post a new menu for us this week.

Imagine that you are deaf, dumb and insensitive to touch.What other image of happiness could you have?

I would have to say wonderful smelling flowers and yummy chocolate!

Do you collect anything?

I collect tarot decks. I stopped counting when I reached 100 decks. That is a rather expensive collection since they are at least $20 each. There is one deck that I would love to get my hands on, but it is hard to find and very very expensive. It's the Salvador Dali deck. Last time I priced it, it was $100.

When do you start your Christmas?

We tend to start it the morning of. I know alot of people who celebrate Christmas Eve. However, we have always had a huge gathering in the morning. We would open presents and then mom would make a huge breakfast.

Main Course
What would you do if you were in a corner and a snake was staring you down?

It depended on what type of snake. I am not scared of snakes in general. I just would freak out if I knew it was a poisonous snake. Then I would probably start bawling like a baby.

If you were in the library and had gas...

Well, I know that my local library has a restroom. So I would probably go in there.


Anonymous said…
Nice Friday Feast! I have my Thursday and Friday posts up! Hope you are having a good weekend! Come stop by my blog for a visit!

Gattina said…
I was always used to celebrate Christmas at Christmas eve like most of the people in Germany and open the gifts at around 6pm. Next day is then the big family meal, lol ! But most of the European countries are celebrating on Christmas morning like you do.
Wakela said…
@Deb: I stopped by and said hi!

@Gattina: I am a first born American. My parents are first born Canadians. I think the tradition comes from my grandparents who were from England and Scotland.

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