Thursday Thirteen #3 - Books in TBR pile

Thirteen Books in Wakela's To Be Read Pile.

I decided that it might be more interesting if I post a picture of the cover. I grabbed the pictures off of Amazon since the battery for my digi needs to be recharged.

1. This is a book I had been meaning to read for years. A few years ago, my mom had really started to get into angels. She had angels in every room of the house. She was buying books about angels. Everything and everywhere were angels. She read and reread this book many times. She was constantly telling me all about this book. She said that this was the best one yet. She even went as far as to buy copies for me and my sisters. I never read it. One thing I remember about this book is that she was always telling me about 444. Supposedly, when you see 444 that is a message from an angel. Since my mom passed away in December, I have been seeing 444 alot. I keep meaning to read this, I just can't bring myself to do it yet.

2. This is one that I had picked up at CVS while waiting on a prescription to be filled. I read the first in the series and loved it.

3. This is a book that my coworker Chris gave to me to read.

4. This book was given to me by my sister Brenda to read.

5. I got this book because there was a huge controversy over it and people were wanting it banned. This book is about a child living in 1940's New Mexico whose aunt comes to stay with them. The reason it is so controversial is that the aunt is a pagan. The kid has to deal with the bigotry that goes along with trying to love his aunt who is outcasted by their society due to her religious beliefs. The sad thing is that even today, pagans have to hide who they truly are in certain settings. I can't come out to everyone at work since most are extremely religious and have actually made some nasty comments about people from other religions. One woman actually went to the point and called everyone who doesn't worship the way she does a devil worshiper. This is truly sad.

6. This is the eighth book in a really great series. I just sort of lost steam reading them. I guess I just needed a break. Maybe its about time I start the series back up again.

7. This was picked up during my Da Vinci Code book type phase. At that time and for quite a bit afterward, I was picking up every conspiracy/hidden treasure book that I could find.

8. I love finding authors I have never read while searching through used book stores. I stumbled upon this book and thought it looked interesting. I just haven't gotten around to reading it.

9. I love Laurell K. Hamilton. I picked this one up at a used book store.

10. My sister Debbie loved this book and passed it on to me.

11. My coworker Chris gave me this book to read ages ago. I just have never gotten to it yet.

12. Chris gave me this to read. I love having coworkers that you can share books with. He said he was drawn to this because of the picture on the cover.

13. This is the second in the series that Chris gave me to read.


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Vicki Gaia said…
I read "Match Me If You Can" and enjoyed it. Very fast pace, funny and the couple hot. The other book I read is "Bless Me, Ultima" which I loved. Very well written and a beautiful portrait of the culture and times. I had no idea it was controversial?!
Anonymous said…
I don't recognize any of the titles since I'm out of the contemporary fiction loop----but you should read the one about angels, I think!
Unknown said…
They all look interesting. thanks for posting the covers
Samantha_K said…
I recommend Alice Hoffman novels. They're fabulous.
Happy reading and happy TT!
Anonymous said…
Hmmm, a couple look interesting to me. Thanks.
Unknown said…
The Last Templar is pretty good, not quite DaVinci Code quality but still good.
I love all of Laurell K. Hamilton's books. Check out my other blog sometime where I review books I have read.
Qtpies7 said…
None of them are my style, but I, too, have a bunch of books I'd like to read one day.

Thanks for visiting my TT.
Andi said…
Oooh, you have some interesting titles there. Great you posted the covers too, it makes the searching so much easier. I'll check them out. Happy TT!
Harris Channing said…
Some great looking books on there.

Heather said…
The covers of the one by Mary Alice and the Dime Store Magic one attract me. I love covers. :) The pne about the Pagan aunt sounds interesting.
Zenmomma said…
I haven't heard of any of these. Thanks for the suggestions.
Danika Dinsmore said…
That's pretty eclectic.

I love Bless Me, Ultima. Strangely enough, I actually taught that book in a high school English class in a small conservative school/town. No one complained. That's the first I've heard of it being controversial, but I'm not surprised. They probably say it's about witchcraft, which they think is evil (same thing they say about Harry Potter, I'm sure).
Anonymous said…
I've read the Laurell K. Hamilton one. It was good. If you like the Anita Blake series, you should like that one.
Anonymous said…
I am always on the look out for good books; thanks for sharing your list and for visiting my blog.

Aloha from Hawaii!
Anonymous said…
I am going to have to Read "Bless Me, Ultima. Thank for the list.
Anonymous said…
You did the right thing, getting hold of a book that "they" want to ban. Banning books is an obscenity.
Jill said…
I would probably mostly read the two last books and the Templar one!!
I that Chris guy read this, he would have to push you to read the books that he gave to you!!
Wakela said…
Bless Me, Ultima is listed in the Most Challenged Books of the US. At one point, a school superintendant in Colorado had banned the book without even reading. He later admitted that he had only read a few excerpts and banned it based on comments.

@ damozel - I know that I should. I guess it just reminds me of my mom and its still sore at the moment.

@ samantha_k - I totally forgot about that author. A few years ago, I had wanted to buy some of her books, but never got around to it. I love the movie Practical Magic. And I know that books are always better.

@ sassy lucy - I will definitely be over to visit.

@ jill - Thankfully, Chris can't complain since he has a ton of books that I lent him that he hasn't read. I even lent him two DVDs a few months back. He finally got around to watching one of them just the other day.

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