
pranking idiots

OMG!! I just had soo much fun. There is this total ass that bothers me every now and then. I have told him I don't want him to talk to me, to call me, to IM me or even think about me. However, he just doesn't listen. He tried to send me an IM again. So I decided to mess with his head. There is this awesome prank online that you can play on people who use AIM, AOL, or ICQ. After the prank is done, you actually get a transcript of what happened. Checked this out!! __________________________________________ GrayGooose515(11:14:02): Hey honey JoeinFtMyers23(11:14:39): do i know you? GrayGooose515(11:14:54): im not sure... somehow u got on my buddy list JoeinFtMyers23(11:15:02): who are you? GrayGooose515(11:15:10): my name is megan JoeinFtMyers23(11:15:22): where do you live megan? GrayGooose515(11:15:31): north carolina JoeinFtMyers23(11:15:45): oh we probably talked before GrayGooose515(11:15:57): your weird lol JoeinFtMyers23(11:16:07): i am, why? GrayGooose515(11:16:22): i have...

pranks to pull

A friend of mine emailed me a list of pranks to pull on people. These are too funny not to pass on! When two (ore more) people are working ay desks that are put next to each other, switch their telephone cords. With all those cables lying around it will take some time before they find that one out! Put a piece of onion or a clove of garlic inside the mouthpiece of a phone. Give it some time for it to fester and build up a strong odor. Then call them and keep them on the phone for as long as possible. It is always a good habit to lock your computer before heading off for coffee or a smoke. When someone forgets and leaves a Word document or an email open, type a single word somewhere in the text. fuck or so will do nicely. Theyll never notice and send it out. Get a hold of someone's cell phone and change the greeting banner to say "NO SERVICE". Many cell phones have greeting banners on them that you can personalize to say whatever you want them to and it stays on there whe...

the state of HMOs in the US

My mom had her knee replacement on Friday. I am not even sure what to think at this point. The surgeon originally told us that it would be only about an hour & a half to two hours for the surgery. It ended up lasting five hours. He said that she was stable & doing well. However, when we went into the recovery room to see her, the nurse stated "We have been working to stabilize her condition". That let's me know that she wasn't stable & something was going on. One look at her monitor showed that her heart rate & respirations were all over the place. She ended up going into ICU. Her entire stay in ICU, she was throwing PVCs (premature ventricular contraction) and she was in atrial fibrillation. Plus her heart rate would spike intensely. In a younger person, it would be easier to recover from this. However, in a 76 year old woman with major health issues, it can definitely lead to heart attack or stroke. She was also on a PCA pump filled with m...

internet blues

Ok so I have not had internet access at home for almost a month now. This is really getting to me. I am so used to playing my games & such. Well, I am using someone else's computer to type this. I don't have too much time though. Hopefully, I will get back online sometime soon

Tides of Emotion

Here is another one that I wrote a few years back. The Tides of Emotion © May 2004 Crystalline Spiritwalker Ebbing and flowing The emotions roll in On a beautiful day, softly lapping at the shores of our heart On the surface peaceful, glistening and shining However, deeper and deeper you dive beneath Darker and murkier Mysterious and yet profound Unknown lurking Hidden until the storms rage Tossing aside calmness Whirling eddies Drawing the sinking ship into the vast chasm Deep within the salty waters Paddling frantically Trying to stay afloat Zoloft becomes your life preserver Clinging to sanity Praying to be saved from the shipwreck
This is an old poem that I wrote back in 2003 for a talk I was giving on Samhein. At the time I was writing as Crystalline Spiritwalker. Samhain Night by Crystalline Spiritwalker October 25, 2003 Darkness creeps in the land quiets down anticipation of visits as the veil thins Relatives long gone Coming by for a chat Their spirits are here with us Closer then ever before Love ones we have missed Others we are glad are gone Those not known to us All here to visit once more Witches celebrate Its the Celtic new year Time for change and transformation Time for renewal Shifting Changing Everything spinning As the Wheel of the Year starts again

Week from Hell

Well, I have completely had the week from hell. Work was utterly unbearable. We are still not going to be getting any new employees to help with the increased hours or increased work load. Last week, one of our best employees left. Cristina was an awesome worker. She was great with the patients. She couldn't afford the insurance rate increase, so she had to leave. This is really sad. They would rather risk losing good employees then to do something about it. The morale at the office is going down the tubes. Last night I was the closer. I literally was there for two hours by myself. I had to answer phones, register patients, and do the closing paperwork. One lady got mad at me because I had her on hold for too long. I had a patient in front of me that I was trying to get registered. I had no choice. I can't do both at the same time. How can I talk to two people at once? Impossible! What happened to the days when employers actually cared about the employees? Don...