
Health Update

Well, things seem to be turning around for me. I am still seeing that GI dr that my sister works for. The meds he put me on seem to be helping greatly!!! I just hope that eventually I will be able to eat salads and popcorn again. I have been going to a new endocrinologist for 1 month now. I was diagnosed over 10 years ago with hypothyroidism. Last year I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's. During all of that time, I have NEVER been even close to normal range. After being put on Armour for only one month, MY LABS ARE NORMAL!!! Just seeing that paper today I was so happy. It was great. I had almost given up hope of ever having a normal life again. I miss the days when my brain would think rapidly. I miss the days when I was thin. I miss the days when I had tons of energy. I thought that it was out of reach. I was finally given hope again. Dr Abelove said that it will take my body some time to get normal again, but I should have no problem. Even though I was within normal,...

Crazy Shit

One of my guildmembers in EQ2 was telling us about some cartoon that he had grown up watching in New Zealand. It was the most bizarre thing to the point that we thought he may have been making it up or something. There was just no way that there was a children's story about trouser snakes and witches turning policemen into apple trees. Well guess what!! It is real! You can actually read the entire story on this site here . I can't belive that I actually read all the way through it. It is so bizarre. The pictures are equally bizarre. Wait till you see the pic of the dog playing the piano with his tail.

frustration with the system

Well, I saw a new thyroid doc a little over a week ago. Maybe almost two weeks ago. Hmmm... Time still has little meaning to me. Anyway!!! This doc put me on Armour! I had taken this stuff awhile ago and felt a lot better on it. Unfortunately, that was during the time I had no health insurance and had to order my meds from out of the country over the internet. Yeah I know thats not too safe. However, I couldn't be without thyroid medicine completely. Anyway, this new doctor actually LISTENED to my complaints and concerns. I told him how all the other endocrinologists kept switching me back and forth from Synthroid and Levoxyl. I told him how even though I had been on all different doses of both medicines, I just kept getting worse instead of getting better. He immediately put me on a replacement dose of Armour. I haven't been on it too long, but I can already feel a slight difference. I know that it will take awhile for my body to recover. Hell!! I was diagnosed with hypothyroi...

Lamb, a good read

A friend from work loaned me a great book to read. It's called Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal. It was written by Christopher Moore. Wow!! This is a really great book. It is completely tongue-in-cheek comedy. So please don't be offended by any of it if you are a hardcore christian. It is set in modern times. Supposedly, God has decided that a new Gospel was to be written. So he sent forth an angel to resurrect Christ's childhood friend Biff. This book chronicles Biff writing the Gospel and of the Gospel itself. If you like Doulglas Adams, John Dechancie, Robert Aspirin and any author of that ilk, then you will definitely love this book. Be prepared to laugh your ass off. Christopher Moore is a wonderful author. He recently wrote a book called "You Suck!" Its a sequel to "Blood Sucking Fiends". If you haven't read anything by him, I suggest you run out to the local book store and pick something up by him!

silly online games

I just stumbled across a little game called OfficeDebo yesterday. It is a browser based game. You can do things like fish in the company water fountain, compete in chair races, attack other office workers, join a union and a ton of other crazy things. It is a really interesting way to waste some time. LOL

how stupid can you be?

I wouldn't believe someone could be this stupid until this happened at work. One of the front desk girls came over into my office to ask for my help. She said that something was wrong with her scanner. I went to her desk and noticed that it wasn't on. I pushed the on button and it wouldn't come on. The cord in the back was firmly in place. So I did the next logical thing. I made sure it was plugged into the wall socket. It of course wasn't. I told her it wasn't plugged in and that is why it wouldn't work. Her response was "How would I know it wouldn't work if it wasn't plugged in?" My response was "Well, does you TV work if it isn't plugged in?" The other girl at the front desk was laughing her ass off at this point. It was completely hysterical!!

EQ2 expansion and other stuff

So I feel like crap again today. I can barely breath. Caroll was after me to get a chext x-ray the other day. I couldn't be bothered. Now I wish I had. Oh well. Too late now. I stayed home yesterday and today. Hopefully, I will feel better by Monday. Last night Zorah told us in guild chat that the new expansion is called Rise of Kunark. I did a little checking around. I found the same thing mentioned on Warcry. Anyway, after a quick search of the US Patent & Trademark website, I can say that yes, SOE has trademarked the name. They have not announced when the expansion will be yet though.