Terror in Maj'Dul

OMG! Last night was so fun! Krystae & I decided to single handedly do the Changing of the Guards. That was totally insane. We were the majority of the way up the tower when all hell broke loose. For some reason, it seems all the rest of the guards in the tower decided to come & join in the fun. So we were swarmed by them. It caused us to die really, really quickly. It was so much fun though. The only thing that I can think of is that maybe the pet I was using as an area of effect spell that aggroed everything in the tower. I was insane!! I loved every minute of it.

I haven't started the Brell day quests yet. Krystae was saying that it was crazy. Some drunk was singing his own wacked out version of the milkshake song! I can't wait until I see that!

I got my bed yesterday. I spent part of last night taking the old one apart. When I get home from work today I am going to put the new one together. This is going to be so great!! Well, off I go to work. At least it is overtime.


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