my 444 experience

A few years ago, my mom had read a book called "Messengers" by Julia Ingram and GW Hardin. This book is supposedly a true story about a man named Nick Bunick who is able to communicate with angels. Nick states that one of the main ways that the angels communicate with us is through 444. He had started noticing that the number kept appearing in various ways whenever the angels were with him, such as time, signs, etc.

Well, today I was very upset and depressed. I was to the point that I wanted to walk out on my job. I finally left the office around 3pm to go get lunch. At Burger King, I ordered the Angus combo. This should have cost me a little over $5 since the base price without tax is $5.07. However, some way my bill came out to $4.44. I asked the guy if the total was correct. He said that it was. When I got the receipt none of it made sense. It was talking about the angus as only 98 cents and some fish sandwich. My order was completely correct though. I got the angus combo. Some way it was rung up so that it equaled exactly $4.44.

I felt like this was my mom watching over me. Letting me know that everything is going to be ok. It was really soothing for me. I was desperately needing a sign from her. I had been feeling so alone up until then.

Most people don't understand how I can feel so alone all the time. I try to explain that I can feel completely alone in a full room of people I know. I don't know why I am like this, but I am. I know that it isn't healthy. I just don't know what to do. I went to counceling for a few years when alot of things were going on with my ex. However, this wasn't something that I was able to "fix". At that time, my depression had lessened. I know that it has been worse again. I am trying to deal with it. I think I have been handling it well so far. Only a few major break downs.

I am thankful that I have had a few people who I was able to talk to when I was at my worst. I know that Brazen is probably sick of my by now.

Well, I need to get back to packing. I have only been getting a few hours of sleep per night trying to get things done around here. I just don't feel like I am going to get it all done in time. I don't want my sisters mad at me if I still have stuff to pack on Sat. I am exhausted to the point that I am getting sick.

I just keep telling myself that if I finish completely on Sat, then I can sleep all day on Sunday and worry about unpacking next weekend.


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