test server
Well, I finally got around to patching the EQ2 test server again. I haven't been on it in ages. I think the last time I was on test was before EOF went live.
Anyway, there are a ton of new things that I am really excited about. All of you altoholics will be very happy. My friend Krystae is already salivating.
There is a new playable race coming out in the next live update. It is called the Arasai. I made one on test. This is essentially the evil fae. I put a pic up in my albums of the Arasai that I created.
Along with the new playable race is a new starting zone and new housing zone. The starter zone is Darklight Woods. It has connections to Commonlands, Nektulos Forest, and Neriak. Neriak has been revamped. On the way from Darklight Woods, you pass over a chasm, if you look down in the chasm, deep down, you will see Naggy. Apparently he is now someone's pet. I am not sure if this is just on test or if this will be final when it goes live. I have a screen cap of him that I put in my albums section. You can barely see him since the chasm was really deep and foggy. I didn't jump down in there since he is a level 100 epic. From what people were saying in OOC was that if you fell down in there, Naggy would bring you back up. I am not sure if I actually believe it and I really didn't feel like finding out first hand.
I can't believe after all that Krystae and I went through moving our toons from one house to another, they are now making things so much easier to move your toons. Basically you just go over to the house that you want and select the buy option. Your old place will be relinquished and all of the contents will be boxed into moving crates that appear in your new house for you to unpack.
Well, basically I just played games all weekend to hide from reality. Then again isn't that what we all do anyway? Well, see you in Norrath!
Anyway, there are a ton of new things that I am really excited about. All of you altoholics will be very happy. My friend Krystae is already salivating.
There is a new playable race coming out in the next live update. It is called the Arasai. I made one on test. This is essentially the evil fae. I put a pic up in my albums of the Arasai that I created.
Along with the new playable race is a new starting zone and new housing zone. The starter zone is Darklight Woods. It has connections to Commonlands, Nektulos Forest, and Neriak. Neriak has been revamped. On the way from Darklight Woods, you pass over a chasm, if you look down in the chasm, deep down, you will see Naggy. Apparently he is now someone's pet. I am not sure if this is just on test or if this will be final when it goes live. I have a screen cap of him that I put in my albums section. You can barely see him since the chasm was really deep and foggy. I didn't jump down in there since he is a level 100 epic. From what people were saying in OOC was that if you fell down in there, Naggy would bring you back up. I am not sure if I actually believe it and I really didn't feel like finding out first hand.
I can't believe after all that Krystae and I went through moving our toons from one house to another, they are now making things so much easier to move your toons. Basically you just go over to the house that you want and select the buy option. Your old place will be relinquished and all of the contents will be boxed into moving crates that appear in your new house for you to unpack.
Well, basically I just played games all weekend to hide from reality. Then again isn't that what we all do anyway? Well, see you in Norrath!