What do people have against Hashimoto's?

Ok I am completely irritated still. I had someone say something to me last night that really had me upset. This person doesn't know what I live with on a daily basis. He barely even knows me. Last night, someone I just met over the weekend told me "I know a lot of people with Hashimoto's. Its really no big deal. You shouldn't worry about it."

Does this person know what its like to live with Hashimoto's thats out of control?

Does he wake up feeling like he never slept at all? Even after sleeping for 12 or 14 hours?

Does he have days where it hurts to raise his arms up while trying to brush his hair and its all due to his muscles being fatigued that day?

Does he know what its like to be able to pass a mensa pre-test one day and then a few days later barely able to put a sentence together because his disease has given him brain fog?

Does he know what its like to be a 35 year old female whose body has prematurely aged to the point of already having menopause?

Does he know what its like to wake up so confused you don't even know where you are at?

Does he know what its like to not have the energy to go anywhere or do anything to the point that friends walk away because they don't understand? Because they feel its no big deal and you should be able to do the things that they still can?

Does he know what its like to be 35 and told by your doctors that you are at a high risk for a heart attack?

Does he know what its like to take medicine and not remember 15 minutes later if you took it? Then you have the whole debate of if I take it again, will it hurt me? What if I missed my medicine today?

I am sure that there are probably people with Hashimoto's who have very mild cases and don't have the major disruptions to their lives that many of us have. I am just so SICK AND TIRED of people telling me that it isn't that big of a deal? When will they realize that it is a big deal? Do we need to have our own telethon before it becomes a big deal? Don't these people realize that its our own bodies that are doing this to us. Our immune system is attacking us!


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