To Joost or not To Joost

The other day I literally stumbled upon a great new service on the internet called Joost. My mouth was salivating as I watched the promo video.

Joostâ„¢ the best of tv and the internet

I couldn't wait to download it. This was internet TV at its easiest. I just needed to get my hands on that program and I would be watching away.

I quickly found the download page. I wanted to cry at what I saw. It wasn't fair. I had to get an invite from someone who was already using the service. It is still in beta testing and they don't want everyone to have it yet.

I felt like Willy Wonka on his search for the golden ticket. I was going from site to site. There had to be someone out there with extra invites that was willing to send me one.

Finally, I found one. I couldn't believe it. Could I really get this lucky?

Well, now that I am finally hooked up and happily watching, I am willing to send out invites to anyone that wants one. You just need to leave me an email address.

You won't believe some of the things you can watch.... Remember that right now it is still in beta. They are constantly adding programs.

Comedy Central
Transformers Channel
Spiderman Channel
Gong (One of my favorites!! Has anime!)
Extreme Sports
Chic TV
And many, many more. Believe me, it would take me forever just to list all of the channels.


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