Pink for October
Too many times, women forget to take care of themselves. They are too busy looking after their kids, their husbands, their careers, and their homes. This month, its time to step back and take care of yourself.
If you don't already know, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Many people think of Breast Cancer as something that is completely curable. It isn't. The only way to save yourself is by doing monthly breast exams.
If you don't already know, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Many people think of Breast Cancer as something that is completely curable. It isn't. The only way to save yourself is by doing monthly breast exams.
If you are 35 years old, then you should be getting your baseline mammogram. Once you are 40 years old, you should have a mammogram done yearly. Always bring priors films with you to your appointment if you change facilities. Make sure not to wear any perfume, powder, deoderant, or lotion on your chest or underarm area. This can lead to false positive results.
If you are younger then that and find a lump, you should have a breast ultrasound. Mammograms don't help if you are too young since your breasts are too dense.
Breast MRIs are up and coming as far as studies go. However, most insurance companies will not pay for them since it is extremely expensive. They are mainly used if you have implants that are believed to have ruptured or you are suspected of breast cancer due to positive findings on Mammograms and Ultrasounds.
I am sure you are wondering how I know all this information. I work for a diagnostic center and we see this on a regular basis. These tests are very important. The doctors aren't ordering them because they just feel like it. They can save your life. If you catch a lump while it is still small, you have a fighting chance.
So pass on this penguin and remind others to get their exams done.
I am sure you are wondering how I know all this information. I work for a diagnostic center and we see this on a regular basis. These tests are very important. The doctors aren't ordering them because they just feel like it. They can save your life. If you catch a lump while it is still small, you have a fighting chance.
So pass on this penguin and remind others to get their exams done.
I'll try to do my part as well.
I had a patient last night at work that wanted to take one of the posters we had up. I had no supervisors around to ask for an extra one. I was ready to grab one off of the wall for her.
Instead, I took her name down and I am going to see if I can get an extra few to be sent over to her. Apparently she owns a store and wants to put one up there.
Every little bit helps!