Krystae is normal?

I got a call from Krysta last night. She had her surgery yesterday morning. For those of you who do not know, Krysta is my best friend. We have been through tons of stuff together. She has Crohn's disease. For her 30th birthday, she was treated to a "lovely" stay in the hospital and a botched surgery that left her with a colostomy bag. She had been having problems with it ever since.

Fast forward to five years later, she finally got an appointment with one of the top colorectal surgeons in this area. He is very hard to get an appointment with. Apparently the reason that she had so much trouble with her colostomy bag is that the doctor who did the surgery really screwed it up. First off, they left too much infected intestine inside. Secondly, they placed the bag in the wrong spot. So she underwent a surgery to fix her that only caused her more pain and suffering.

Yesterday morning was her surgery to correct this mishap. The new doctor had told her that he was going to remove the rest of the Crohn's infected intestine and remove the colostomy. He said that he may have to put a temporary ileostomy bag.

She called me up last night crying with happiness. The surgery was a success. Not only did he remove the last of the infected intestine, but he did not have to put an ileostomy bag on. So no more bags in her life. She is so happy.

We had commented that during the past month, we have both been experiencing wonderful gains over our illnesses. I am losing the weight and she lost her bag. We both feel great about it. We are both going to be healthier for the new year.


Gellianne said…
Hello.Congratulations on your friend's surgery and your losing wieght!

I wish I will have that victory soon too.My sister is still on her way to recovery post metatarsal surgey, and me...I have not lost a single pound since I became 168-170 lbs.

Take care.
Feisty Crone said…
I am so happy for you both, and thanks for sharing your wonderful stories.
Congratulations to both of you on your fresh starts!
Le Butterfly said…
You both have a great spirit.

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