I had signed up for this ages ago. Since I didn't get approved within the first day, my airheadedness took over and I forgot to check back. Gmail had eaten my approval email.
So I wandered over to Gellianne's blog today and noticed that she had signed up and was accepted. Woohoo! I was very happy for her. Then I remembered that I had signed up some time ago. I decided to wander over to see if I had been accepted. I was accepted ages ago.
They have tons of wonderful offers that you can blog about. I was saddened that the one I would have really been great on was already full. Oh well! I will definitely keep checking back to see what wonderful offers they have.
I know that we could all use a little extra money. So why not earn it while doing something that you love. I know I could use it to pay some bills or to buy some more computer games.
One of the things that I like is the fact that they have this whole section that they label "The Lab" (makes it sound like mad scientists)! At the lab, you can find all different types of things that are in development. There are even widgets and plug-ins that users have created.
Also in The Lab is a listing of affiliate sites that they run. They have this interesting affiliate named Blog in Space. This site actually beams your blog feed into space. Definitely strange.
I highly suggest checking PayPerPost out.
Help, please. All recommend this program to effectively advertise on the Internet, this is the best program!