Sleuth part duex

Woohoo!  I finally figured out my password for my old character.  Its not one I normally use.  At least I can get back in and play on Wakela again.  I also have the one I just created the other day.  Her name is Sankara.  So if anyone of you feel so inclined, feel free to message me in game.

Unfortunately, since I had been gone for several months, the agency I was in, Ona Mission, had to boot me out to make way for new people.  Agencies can only have so many people in them depending on their level.  I just sent a message to one of the officers.  Or so I thought.  I had noticed that Stooby had sent me a message.  I answered him back finally.  Well when I did a little snooping around, I found out that he and a few others from Ona are now in a new agency.  He is one of the directors.  I am not sure how or why this happened.  Oh well! 

I am sure that I will eventually join another agency.


Betty said…
I'm glad you figured out your password. Your name is Wakela, isn't it? You mentioned playing in or on Wakela, so that has me wondering.

Have a good week.

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