Early Review–Cinderella: Ninja Warrior


Book Description


In this fast-paced story full of adventure and romance, Cinderella is more than just a servant girl waiting for her prince—she's a tough, fearless girl who is capable of taking charge of a dangerous situation. Seeking to escape the clutches of her evil stepmother, Cinderella perfects her ninja skills and magic talents in secret, waiting for the day when she can break free and live happily ever after. In a special twist, readers have the opportunity to make key decisions for Cinderella and decide where she goes next—but no matter the choice; the result is a story unlike any fairy tale you've ever read!

Book Review


So this brought me way back to the 80s.  I used to love those Choose Your Own Adventure stories back then.  This one was no different. 

One thing I really loved was the fact that Cinderella was no longer a wimpy girl who was just sitting around waiting for her prince to come.  Instead, she finds strength within herself. 

I love the twist that is thrown on the old story that we all grew up with.  This is one of those stories that can be read several times so you can see all the different plot twists that each choice gives you.

In conjunction with the Wakela's World Disclosure Statement, I received a product in order to enable my review. No other compensation has been received. My statements are an honest account of my experience with the brand. The opinions stated here are mine alone.


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