Sex on the Moon
Book Description
Thad Roberts, a fellow in a prestigious NASA program had an idea—a romantic, albeit crazy, idea. He wanted to give his girlfriend the moon. Literally.
Thad convinced his girlfriend and another female accomplice, both NASA interns, to break into an impregnable laboratory at NASA—past security checkpoints, an electronically locked door with cipher security codes, and camera-lined hallways—and help him steal the most precious objects in the world: the moon rocks.
But what does one do with an item so valuable that it’s illegal even to own? And was Thad Roberts—undeniably gifted, picked for one of the most competitive scientific posts imaginable, a possible astronaut—really what he seemed?
Mezrich has pored over thousands of pages of court records, FBI transcripts, and NASA documents and has interviewed most of the participants in the crime to reconstruct this Ocean’s Eleven–style heist, a madcap story of genius, love, and duplicity that reads like a Hollywood thrill ride.
Book Review
This book took me quite awhile to read. It was very interesting. I actually no idea before receiving this book that someone had literally stolen moon rocks from a secure NASA facility.
This is definitely one of those books that if you didn’t know that it was true, you would think the author has a really great imagination. However, what happened in the story really did take place. There were a few minor changes, but that was mainly to avoid releasing things that could affect NASA security.
Granted, I am sure that NASA had to have stepped up their security since this incidence occurred.
Sex on the Moon: The Amazing Story Behind the Most Audacious Heist in History (9780385533928): Ben Mezrich: Books |
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