Spinning The Law

Spinning the Law: Trying Cases in the Court of Public Opinion

Book Description


A behind-the-scenes analysis of media strategies not taught in law school or journalism classes, this collection of entertaining examples and explanations make for ideal reading for everyone fascinated by celebrity legal problems.

Book Review


I hate to say this, but I did have a bit of trouble getting through this one.  Yes, it was interesting, but I felt that it did get bogged down in places.

This book did address the problem with media oversaturation.  How can anyone have a fair trial when the media has already convicted them in the headlines?  Too many times we walk into the court room to sit on juries with opinions already formed because of what we see on TV.  This book gives many examples of this.

In conjunction with the Wakela’s World Disclosure Statement, I received a product in order to enable my review. No other compensation has been received. My statements are an honest account of my experience with the brand. The opinions stated here are mine alone.


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