Review–Wm & H’ry

Disclaimer: I received this book free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. I did not receive any form of compensation.

For some reason I was under the impression that this book was going to have whole letters between the brothers and an analysis of the letters as to how they played a part in history. 

Instead, this book was about how these two great men played a part in history with information from their letters scattered in. 

Overall, this book was very interesting.  It just wasn’t what I had expected.  It did take me a little longer then usual to read this book.  Mainly because I wanted to really drink in all the rich details.  I was amazed to find out how much these two men helped influence each other and eventually the world around them.

Any book bought through the Amazon link below will have a portion of the sale go towards the Unitarian Fellowship of South Florida.


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