Review - Diner Impossible


Disclaimer:  I received this book free from Henery Press in exchange for an honest review.  I did not receive any form of compensation.

Oh how I wished I would have known about this series earlier!  The main character, Rose, was raised in a snooty upper class home.  She didn't like the lifestyle, so against her mother's pleas, she left it and started working as a waitress in a diner.  Through her job as a waitress, she has run into a wide range of interesting people.

This book actually had two concurrent mysteries that Rose attempts to solve.  First and foremost is the mystery of who killed Delia.  The second is the case of who stole the replica Starfleet uniform that was autographed by William Shatner.

Being a huge Star Trek fan (and yes, I dressed up in costume for conventions), the second case was a purely magical bonus for me.  I had previously belonged to the real StarFleet Fan Club and KLAW.  In the book they are SPuRTs and KAW.  But yes, I could definitely see many of the people I knew from those groups as depicted in this book.  That part of the story was a fun jaunt down memory lane for me.

However, the main mystery was truly fascinating.  There were little hints and clues throughout.  You really had to piece them all together to come up with the answer.  There were a few people that I was leaning towards though.

Now in the book, Rose's boyfriend is Sullivan.  He is a major drug dealer in the city.  I would rather see her with Officer Hard Ass.  I think their characters would play well off of each other.  Whereas, Sullivan is nice for her to be with, but I just didn't feel anything between them besides desire.


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