Review - Faeries & Elementals for Beginners

Disclaimer: I received this book free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. I did not receive any form of compensation.

Being a Celtic Pagan, Faeries and Elementals are nothing new to me.  However, I always love to read about other people’s thoughts on the Faerie Realm.

Alexandra Chauran teaches how to talk to Faeries, how to see Faeries, how to work with Faeries, and even how to get rid of them if that is what you want.

Plus she details quite a few different types of Fae from around the world.  The author provides various rituals, prayers, and salutations that can be used to address or work with the various Fae. 

When she discusses the four realms of the Fae – fire, earth, water, and air – she provides exercises and meditations to be performed for each realm.  These help you to understand how you can utilize the Faeries and Elementals in your daily life.

I especially loved the section on Dreams and Water elementals.  I have decided to include this in my regular practices.  It is very important to develop a working relationship with the Fae.  And this book teaches you how to do that.


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