The Serenity Solution


Learn how to harness a calm focus and use it consciously as a tool to solve problems and create the life you desire. With a major emphasis on how to maintain a calm, observant state of mind, become more aware of your focus when approaching life situations and be better able to see other options in getting past difficulties.

Some of the ideas and strategies you will learn have been used for thousands of years by great thinkers and problem solvers across the world. Distilled here as a simple and ready-to-use guide, discover helpful hints, age-old wisdoms, and exercises that can be applied to any problem to help you increase your range of thinking. Do away with your negative outlook, and bring better health and relationships into full view.


There are so many books on the market that teach you how to live in the here and now through meditation or other means.  However, this was the first book that I have come across that not only addresses how to live in the present moment, but to how to use that clarity that you gain as a focus to overcome issues in your life. 

I guess the best way to describe it is to think of it like a scope.  You can look through it and get better clarity (like what other books teach).  But this book then adds a laser or other tool onto the scope so that you can get rid of the problem.  Think of it this way.  A surgeon takes a scope to look inside you to see what is going on (the meditation part).  But then he utilizes a laser to get rid of polyps or nodules that he finds (the exercises to go along with the meditation).  It is through being able to put both of them together that he is able to help heal you.  That is the way this book works.  You take the  typical get in the moment type of exercises to gain clarity and focus, but then you go the step further and add a tool in that will help you to clear away anything that is blocking you.

To really get the most of this book, you need to make sure you do the exercises.  I not only followed along with them in the book, but I made sure to include them in my daily journaling.  This way I was able to track my progress and my results. 

If you put the time and effort in, you will definitely reap the benefits.

Disclaimer: I received this book free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. I did not receive any form of compensation.


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