An Upraised Chalice


Do you consider yourself more spiritual than religious?

Many have turned away from traditional, organized religions to explore their own relationship with the Divine. The author is one of these seekers and this book chronicles his remarkable journey to many of the world's sacred places. It is the inspiring story of a lifetime’s quest for the ancient wisdom while experiencing miraculous intercessions of the Great Ones along the way.

This accounting differs from other stories detailing near death experiences. The author (a professional pilot, a builder, a teacher and a family man) had multiple near death encounters over the years. In one instance Archangel Michael appeared in a sphere of Light, commanding him to prepare with a specific prayer / mantra just moments before the fatal car accident. Immediately after this accident, going up the tunnel of light to the other side, two Masters assisted with a specific action that allowed for the continuation of this lifetime.

The story details the lifelong chain of events that brought about these intercessions and the prior and subsequent interaction with the Great Ones that so shaped Gene’s life. And there is a much deeper story here. A story that is vast in its implications and that contains a challenge to all who seek to know the truth—a story that helps answer our greatest question –why are we here?


I have always been interested in various forms of spirituality and beliefs.  The more I learn, the more I hunger for more knowledge. 

This book was interesting since it takes you on one man’s path as he learned about working with the Ascended Masters and how they influenced his life.  It was particularly of interest to me since I had recently done a talk on the Ascended Masters at the Unitarian Fellowship of South Florida.  So it really tied in greatly with my talk and it allowed me to see how they walked with him as he traveled along this highway of life.

Of course, not everyone will have the luxury of being able to travel to far-off exotic destinations to be able to contact them.  But it was nice to be able to hear about these places and envision myself right there alongside of him.

If you are looking for an Ascended Masters 101 type book, then this is not it.  It is not meant to teach you how to work with them in your life nor what each one represents.  Instead, it shows how Gene allowed them to help him shape his life and the influence they had over him.

Any book bought through the Amazon link below will have a portion of the sale go towards the Unitarian Fellowship of South Florida.

Disclaimer: I received this book free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. I did not receive any form of compensation.


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