Getting Back On Track
I had been doing really great with my weight loss. I lost about 60 pounds but then stalled. So I joined Weight Watchers. I was doing pretty good on Smart Points plan. However, with the new switch to Freestyle, I am really struggling. Don’t get me wrong, Freestyle is a good plan for many people who have willpower and control over their eating. For me, it just isn’t working.
With Freestyle, they have increased the number of foods that are free. My big issue is that I didn’t overeat sweets & stuff like that. I overate most of the foods that they have put to free. It is easy for me to go back for 2nds or 3rds on chicken, fish, etc. I prefer the savory foods. I know that the leaders keep saying to think of it as zero points instead of free. But I have a more logically inclined mindset.
Let me explain my way of thinking. Imagine walking into a store with $23 in your pocket and being told that all the pants are free and you can take as many as you want. You are going to grab each and every one because they are free. Now imagine walking into another store and being told you only have $23 dollars to spend. However, that store has all their pants marked $0. You are still going to grab each and every one because guess what, they don’t use any of your cash. Weight Watchers is trying to tell us that there is a difference between the 2 scenarios. THERE ISN’T!
If I could easily control my eating, I wouldn’t be in the situation that I am in. Having the more rigorous guidelines is what kept me in check. So now I feel like I am wasting money. I like the meetings. I like my leader. I just don’t like the new program.
So today, I am rolling back to the Smart Points plan. I downloaded an app called iTrackBites. It has both Smart Points and Points Plus on it. It has a barcode scanner. And it doesn’t have monthly fees attached to it.
I am going to look to see if there are any general weight loss groups or meetups in the area. Because I know that I still need the support that a meeting would provide.