NetGalley Reading Journal

NetGalley Reading Journal

For about a year now, I kept seeing people posting pictures of their reading journals online in various groups.  They would have all these stickers and pictures in them.  They were always so cute.

NetGalley has made a reading journal for all the people who do reviews of their books.  Inside there are pages for all the books in your to be read (or listened to) pile, pages to keep track of your reviews, pages to keep track of challenges that you are taking part in.  They even provided stickers that you can use.

The only thing that I don't like is that I don't find it very easy to use.  They could have made it so easy since it is a PDF.  When creating PDFs, you can make them where they have fields that are easy to fill-in.  Instead, when you want to fill in the field, you have to edit the file and create a text field yourself to fill in the area.  You have to do that for each and every area.  To me, that is very tedious.  

One good thing is that NetGalley did say that they were going to take all the feedback from the reviewers and use it to tweak the journal for next year.  

So, if you would like to get your hands on this free reading journal, you can sign up for a NetGalley account and review books on social media, blogs, Good Reads, or anywhere else that allows book reviews.  Just make sure to notate that you received the book for free in exchange for a review.

Thank you to NetGalley and We Are Bookish for proving this reading journal to me for free in exchange for an honest review.


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