Well, I have completely had the week from hell. Work was utterly unbearable. We are still not going to be getting any new employees to help with the increased hours or increased work load. Last week, one of our best employees left. Cristina was an awesome worker. She was great with the patients. She couldn't afford the insurance rate increase, so she had to leave. This is really sad. They would rather risk losing good employees then to do something about it. The morale at the office is going down the tubes. Last night I was the closer. I literally was there for two hours by myself. I had to answer phones, register patients, and do the closing paperwork. One lady got mad at me because I had her on hold for too long. I had a patient in front of me that I was trying to get registered. I had no choice. I can't do both at the same time. How can I talk to two people at once? Impossible! What happened to the days when employers actually cared about the employees? Don...