
Searching for my long lost shaker of salt

Well, my little trip down to Key West was pretty good. It was nice and relaxing for the most part. We started our trip by stopping in Sloppy Joe's for lunch. The food there was pretty good. The guy who was singing was pretty bad. Bleh! Hey you can't have it all! Afterwards, Steve wanted to go on a bi-plane ride so Deb and I went shopping. Magical word that is! Steve chickened out while sitting in the plane. We met up back at the hotel. Then we treked down to the Southernmost point. Steve was bossing people around so that he could get the perfect shot. Bleh! Like I said, the trip was pretty good. I could have done away with his bossiness and beligerence. Then we toured the place touted as the "Southernmost House". However, there were like 2 places that were further south of that. Not sure what that was about. We walked back to the hotel to rest for a little bit. I was getting overheated and swelling pretty badly. After our rest, we went to a restaurant on the boardwalk...

bizarre week

I am so glad that this week is almost over. It has been extremely insane. I am not sure how everyone else is fairing this week. I feel like I have definitely stepped into the Twilight Zone. There are a few weird things that truly stood out above the rest. Yesterday, one of the managers from one of our other centers called up. I answered the phone. She identified herself and then asked "Are you phones working?" I really wanted to give a sarcastic answer, but since she was a manager I couldn't. I mean really!! What was she thinking? Of course the phones were working if I answered them. After helping a patient on the phone, she told me "Merry Christmas". Umm... ok... We are still in August. Maybe they moved Christmas?? Heck, if they can randomly decide to move daylight savings time, maybe they can just move holidays around too. I had some labwork done on Monday. It wasn't too bad. They only took 5 vials of blood this time. I have to wait two weeks for my result...

Searching in the Tropics

I found an interesting writing prompt online . It gives you the setting, the first few words of your story, and several more words that you must use in your story. You then give yourself 10 minutes to write. Setting: at a resort Starting phrase for story: Nice guys Four words you must include in your story: quest, lopsided, drag, and poem Nice guys seem to be a rare species. Stephanie and I decided that we were no longer going to wait for them to show up on our doorsteps. We made it our quest to go in search of them ourselves. We thought long and hard as to where we wanted to search. We were both very stressed out from our jobs. It had become a total drag. So we decided to go stay at a luxurious resort so that we can be pampered as we plotted how to best locate these nice guys we kept hearing about. Our flight left around nine in the morning. It was a peaceful time. Just knowing that we had two weeks off from work seemed to relax us immensely. We reached our destination in t...

What do people have against Hashimoto's?

Ok I am completely irritated still. I had someone say something to me last night that really had me upset. This person doesn't know what I live with on a daily basis. He barely even knows me. Last night, someone I just met over the weekend told me "I know a lot of people with Hashimoto's. Its really no big deal. You shouldn't worry about it." Does this person know what its like to live with Hashimoto's thats out of control? Does he wake up feeling like he never slept at all? Even after sleeping for 12 or 14 hours? Does he have days where it hurts to raise his arms up while trying to brush his hair and its all due to his muscles being fatigued that day? Does he know what its like to be able to pass a mensa pre-test one day and then a few days later barely able to put a sentence together because his disease has given him brain fog? Does he know what its like to be a 35 year old female whose body has prematurely aged to the point of already having menopa...

Callahan's Crosstime Saloon

Right now I am reading an omnibus of short stories that were written in the 70s/80s. If you are into off color humor and tons of puns, then this is definitely the book for you. It is hard to put down. The short stories were all originally written for magazines. There was a computer game that was made way back when (and yes I had played it before). Speaking of computer games, I was asked the other day why I play some of the games I do and what my playing style was. Well, one of the reasons I play MMOs is because of the people you can meet and also the storylines. Yea I know that sounds corny, but I think of them as interactive books. I love to finish quests and see what's next. My friend Krysta on the other hand is all about the gear and levelling. I could care less what gear I have on and I could care less about level. I just want to be able to continue with the story. I guess that is why games that require too much grinding in between quests bore me way too quickly.

Cosmic Chaos in the Microcosm

Defrost the glacial chill upon my soul Existence floats by Upon the ethereal mists Void of all meaning Chasms open devouring the heart Leaving a cavernous hole Despair Destruction They know no bounds Burned at the stake of my thoughts Crucified by pain Lost in the labyrinth Gloom leaves no trails to follow The only course is the bloody Entrails of those who have passed before Fiends waiting Watching for a slip Ready to devour the next prey Treading a tremulous path Intent on grasping death on my provisos My demise will come in its bitter time Bringing with it A respite

Witch of Cologne

I just finished reading the Witch of Cologne by Tobsha Learner. This was truly a masterpiece. Every now and then I decide that I want to read a book that truly works out my mind. This was definitely one of those books. Tobsha writes in such a way that I was transported back to the days of the Spanish Inquisition. I was able to imagine what it was like living as a Jewish Midwife back in those dangerous times. It felt like I was living right alongside Ruth as she delivered those babies. Then experienced her terror as the inquisition came for her. The mob mentality of those times was truly horrific. If just one person made accusations, then everyone would start to step forward. To make matters worse, in the midst of the horrors of the inquisition, the plague struck down thousands of people. She creates such believable characters. At times you truly hate those such as the Inquisitor. Then other times you feel deeply saddened by his humanity and fraility. I highly recommend this...