Woohoo! I finally figured out my password for my old character. Its not one I normally use. At least I can get back in and play on Wakela again. I also have the one I just created the other day. Her name is Sankara. So if anyone of you feel so inclined, feel free to message me in game. Unfortunately, since I had been gone for several months, the agency I was in, Ona Mission, had to boot me out to make way for new people. Agencies can only have so many people in them depending on their level. I just sent a message to one of the officers. Or so I thought. I had noticed that Stooby had sent me a message. I answered him back finally. Well when I did a little snooping around, I found out that he and a few others from Ona are now in a new agency. He is one of the directors. I am not sure how or why this happened. Oh well! I am sure that I will eventually join another agency.