
You're getting under my skin

Yesterday was an extremely irritating day at work. It seems that patients were just really getting under everyone's skin. There are certain things that patients do that really are irresponsible and annoying. 1. Don't call to make an appointment while driving! You know we are going to ask questions that you will need to get things out of your purse or pocket in order to answer. It is not safe to do this while driving. I have literally had patients tell someone else in the car to "hold the wheel while I get my wallet out of my back pocket". How safe is that? You can wait the few minutes it will take to get to your destination BEFORE calling us to make your appointment. We will still be there. 2. Don't call if you don't know what test you are scheduling! How can you not know what the doctor is sending you for? Don't you ask questions? You would be surprised how many patients can't even tell me the part of body that we are doing the test on.

Friday's Feast

Appetizer Name a great website you would recommend to others. Since right now, I am focusing mainly on losing weight, I would have to recommend SparkPeople. This site lets you track your weight, measurements, food eaten, exercises done, and much more. Plus they have wonderful groups that provide that extra little bit of morale support. There are some great competitions going on as well. Get a Free Online Diet Soup On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 as highest), how often do you dream at night? I would have to say at least a 7. I tend to have tons of really crazy dreams. When I wake up in the morning, those dreams just make me really confused. Salad Did you have a pet as a child? If so, what kind and what was its name? We had several pets in our house when I was growing up. When I was really young we had a dog named Little Man and a cat named Sneakers. My sister moved out and took Little Man with her. When Little Man impregnated another dog, we got one of the liter. We named that

Great contest

I just found out about a great contest going on. I tend to have really dry skin due to my thyroid condition and some of the meds I am on. Sometimes, it gets to the point that I don't like the feel of my own skin. There is a new lotion out called Skin MD that is supposed to help with dry skin. Laura Williams currently has a give away going on over at her blog for a bottle of the lotion. Stop by her blog and check it out.

Thursday Thirteen #3 - Books in TBR pile

Thirteen Books in Wakela's To Be Read Pile. I decided that it might be more interesting if I post a picture of the cover. I grabbed the pictures off of Amazon since the battery for my digi needs to be recharged. 1. This is a book I had been meaning to read for years. A few years ago, my mom had really started to get into angels. She had angels in every room of the house. She was buying books about angels. Everything and everywhere were angels. She read and reread this book many times. She was constantly telling me all about this book. She said that this was the best one yet. She even went as far as to buy copies for me and my sisters. I never read it. One thing I remember about this book is that she was always telling me about 444. Supposedly, when you see 444 that is a message from an angel. Since my mom passed away in December, I have been seeing 444 alot. I keep meaning to read this, I just can't bring myself to do it yet. 2. This is one that I had picked up

Diablo Denied

Today was one of those days where you just want to crawl back into bed and hope for the day to end very soon. It started when my head was about to implode and explode simultaneously. I am not sure how it was managing it, but it certainly felt like that was happening. I had a combination of a sinus headache with a migraine mixed in for added effect. Once I got to work, the Bobbsey Twins were at it in full force. I can normally deal with them for the few hours that I have to because it is a short amount of time. But with my head feeling like it was just made them ten times worse. They are really nice girls, but extremely hyper. I swear! I think VG has tourrettes or something like it. All of a sudden, she will just bust out with some strange sounds really loud. Or sometimes she will just start singing something off tune and really loud. Plus every other sentence is ended with "Denied!" VB was in rare form today. She is the other half of the Bobbsey Twins. Her favori

Scam Alert

More and more people who suffer from hypothyroidsim are turning to alternative sources for information and cures. This is due to the fact that many doctors do not simply listen to their patients when they say a medicine is not working. I came across an internet scam that is currently targeting thyroid patients. The only thing The Secret Cure for Hypothyroidism cures you of is having money in your pocket. First off, the thyroid expert that wrote the book is fictional. Secondly, there are numerous reports against them for false advertising. Third, that $17 you pay isn't a one time fee. They keep charging it every month. Fourth, its not so much an e-book as a pamphlet that has the same information that every thyroid patient already knows. Stay away from this company at all costs. The person behind this scam is Perry Belcher. The same person who tries to push Alvidar down the throats of unsuspecting thyroid patients. Here are some sites that lists complaints against them: Rip-

Hootin' Anni's Treat

If you have never visited Hootin' Anni's blog , then I suggest you speed on over the right now. She is a wonderful lady and has some really great posts over there. I first came across her blog in the Thursday Thirteen list. I am definitely glad that I did. This month, she is giving away little "treats" to those who visit her blog. I was the lucky recipient of one of those treats. Right now blogger has photo posting down... So I have to use a link from another location to post the little treat. A Halloween Treat from Hootin' Anni Each day up until Halloween [October 31st] Hootin' Anni will be handing out a treat for 1 - 5[one to five] bloggers who drop by during the week for visiting. You're more than welcomed to pass it along to ones you think are deserving of a special treat for the season. Kinda like "Pay it Forward" Y'know, one goodwill gesture deserves another? But DON'T just choose your friends making this cliquish and 'just